Celebrate America's National Parks (PHOTOS) | The Weather Channel


Celebrate America's National Parks (PHOTOS)

America's National Parks Service celebrates its birthday on August 25 (101 years old this year!), but you don't need a special occasion to celebrate their beauty every day of the year. 

(MORE: America's 14 National Lakesshores and Seashores)

One park not to be missed is Joshua Tree National Park, located at the convergence of the Colorado and Mojave Deserts in California. The park spans almost 800,000 acres and is famous for its tree-sized yuccas, called Joshua Trees. These trees are believed to have gotten their name from Mormon settlers, according to Lonely Planet, who thought the upward stretching branches resembled the Biblical prophet Joshua pointing the way to the promised land. Tourists visiting the weekend of April 18 will also save the $15 admission feeSaguaro National Park is also a great destination to explore. Not only is it home to the largest cacti in the United States, but it also features strange wildlife that have adapted to swining temperatures and constant water shortage, such as jackrabbits (which cool off through their ears), javelinas, desert tortoises and a variety of reptiles and birds. 

Wildlife lovers should visit Katmai Natinal Park, where in July and August, some of the park's 2,200 wild brown bears can be seen searcing for food. Many of the dominant males are known to fish for sockeye salmon at Brooks Falls, which features a wildlife observation platform for visitors to safely observe. Shenandoah National Park is also a great wildlife refuge, home to 200 bird species and 50 mammal species. Visitors also have an easy time spotting some of these creatures because many of the mammals, such as deer, are alrge and conspicuous. 

So whether you want to take advantage of this fee-free weekend, relax at your local park or take a special wildlife tour, check out our slideshow above to see all 59 of America's incredible national parks. 


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