Linda Lam is a senior meteorologist at | - The Weather Channel |

The Weather Channel Digital Content Team

Linda Lam

Linda Lam is a senior meteorologist at and began her career in 2006 at The Weather Company (formerly WSI).

Educational Background

Atmospheric Science from the University of Massachusetts Lowell

Psychology from College of the Holy Cross

What I Do

Lead Meteorologist

How I Got To The Weather Company

I grew up in southern New England where I became infatuated with winter storms and why rain would often come instead of snow. I became interested in understanding hurricanes and fondly remember watching The Weather Channel for hours to learn as much about the weather as possible.

After graduating with a degree in atmospheric science, I worked in Andover, Massachusetts, in the graphics and media department creating graphics, scripts, voice-overs and on-camera segments for various clients. In 2009, I decided to move down to Georgia to become a weather producer and since 2014, I have been a part of the digital team where I write engaging articles and create interesting graphics.

What I Love About Working For The Weather Company

I love the people and learning something new all the time. My role has changed numerous times over the years and I love that I can work in a field I find fascinating.

Favorite Weather Areas

Winter storms (especially in the Northeast) and hurricanes

Core Weather Memory

I remember several intense snowstorms as a kid where the evergreen trees and bushes would sag. I would go outside to shovel and the wind would bite your face. Once the storm was over though, the fun of making snowmen and sledding would begin!

Favorite Weather Condition

When I was a kid it would have been snow but now I prefer warm days with some clouds to block the sun out.

Favorite Movie


Memorable/Current Work

Contact Me

X​: @LindaLam08


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