Exposure to Air Pollution Can Throw Chess Players Off Their Game |


Exposure to Air Pollution Can Throw Chess Players Off Their Game, Claims New Study

Representational image (@aicfchess/via IANS)
Representational image
(@aicfchess/via IANS)

Can you imagine spending years mastering a certain game, honing your memory and cognition until you know the layout of the chess board like the back of your hand and can anticipate your opponent’s move well before he even thinks it, only for a bit of polluted air to throw you off your game?

A study has found that a small rise in air pollution increases the probability of chess players making mistakes by 2.1%, and the extent of those errors increased by 10.8%!

Researchers studied the performance of 121 chess players in three seven-round tournaments in Germany in 2017, 2018, and 2019, consisting of over 30,000 chess moves. Real-time web-connected sensors were used inside the tournament venues to measure carbon dioxide, particulate matter concentrations and temperature.

Fine particulate matter or PM2.5 are tiny particles that are 2.5 microns or less in diameter and are often expelled by burning matter such as that from car engines, coal plants, forest fires, and wood burners.

Since each tournament lasted for eight weeks, the researchers were able to connect changes in air quality to a player’s performance using computer models.

Stockfish, an open-source artificial intelligence chess engine, was utilised to assess the quality of actual moves the players made compared to optimal moves.


At the time of the tournaments, the PM2.5 concentrations fell between 14 to 70 micrograms per cubic metre of air, a common exposure level in cities in the US and other places.

Further, other factors like noise and changes in mercury and carbon dioxide concentrations were also considered, but air pollution was leading to a dip in a player’s performance.

“We find that when individuals are exposed to higher levels of air pollution, they make more mistakes, and they make larger mistakes,” Juan Palacios, an economist in MIT’s Sustainable Urbanization Lab and co-author of the paper, said

According to Science Daily, for 31-40 moves, a surge of 10 micrograms per cubic metre in air pollution resulted in a 3.2% increased probability of error, with the magnitude of these mistakes growing by 17.3%.

Meanwhile, players have started monitoring their CO2 and particulate matter levels to create the perfect environment while competing from home in the big Champions Chess Tour events. However, this study serves to highlight the far-reaching consequences of air pollution on people’s cognitive ability in many other settings.


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