NASA and Italian Space Agency Join Forces to Monitor Air Pollution Worldwide |


Joint-Effort Satellite by NASA and Italian Space Agency to Monitor Air Pollution In World’s Most Populous Cities

Invisible India Gate due to Smog at Raj Path on November 08.(Tarun Rawat/BCCL Delhi)
Representational Image
(Tarun Rawat/BCCL Delhi)

Humanity has reached a point where almost no place on Earth is safe from the threat of air pollution. So much was proven by a recent study, which found that more than 99% of the global population is exposed to unhealthy levels of tiny air pollutants called PM 2.5.

With almost the entire global population susceptible to the damaging effects of toxic aerosols, it is imperative that we develop means to adequately track air pollutants and gauge their impact on human health.

Keeping this goal in mind, NASA has partnered with the Italian space agency Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) to build and launch the Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA). This first-of-its-kind mission, which will also include epidemiologists and public health organisations, is designed to study the health impacts of tiny pollutants over some of the world's most populous cities.

Set to be launched before the end of 2024, this observatory would have two major components — ASI's PLATiNO-2 satellite and NASA's science instrument equipped with a "pointable spectropolarimetric camera" to capture images of airborne particles at different spectral wavelengths.

While orbiting 740 kilometres above Earth's surface, MAIA will focus on 11 primary target areas: New Delhi, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Boston, Rome, Addis Ababa, Barcelona, Beijing, Johannesburg, Taipei and Tel Aviv.

In addition, the mission will also collect data pertaining to atmospheric particles over 30 secondary target areas worldwide, using the MAIA observatory, ground sensors and atmospheric models.


The MAIA team will use this data to explore the size, geographic distribution, composition and abundance of different airborne particles and examine how these properties contribute to health issues arising from pollutant exposure.

Thereafter, researchers will correlate the findings with the birth death, and hospitalisation records to determine whether exposure to various pollutants (such as black carbon, sulphates and nitrates) impacts human health differently.

Breathing tainted air is linked to a multitude of health risks, including asthma, lung cancer, heart attacks, stroke and even adverse birth outcomes in infants. But how the toxicity of diverse pollutant mixtures impacts us is not clearly understood.

With the primary objective to study how short-, medium- and long-term exposure to different airborne particles affects human health, the MAIA mission may provide crucial insights that would inform sound public health policy, aiding humanity for years to come.


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