Delhi's Air Quality So Far in 2023 Has Been Its Best Since 2016! |


Delhi's Air Quality So Far in 2023 Has Been Its Best Since 2016! 'Clear Air' Days Already 2x Compared to 2022

Pollution in Delhi

Congratulations, Dilli-log, you've survived one of the harshest summer months of the year! Despite the mercury skyrocketing to an unbearable 40°C several days of the month, an above-average number of rainy days helped keep the heat a serendipitous three degrees below the month's average.

But more presents are in order, it turns out! In addition to a respite from the blazing conditions, the unseasonal rains during this year’s pre-monsoon season in the nation’s capital might've helped in another regard entirely!

Data from the Central Pollution Control Board has shown that the average PM2.5 and PM10 levels in the nation's capital have dipped drastically since 2022, falling to the lowest it's ever been in the last seven years! Therefore, if you've noticed your skin glowing more than usual and fewer coughing fits, it’s quite likely that this isn't just a freak coincidence.

The period between January and May in 2023 so far has been the cleanest in terms of the city's Air Quality Index (AQI) since 2016, Delhi's records show. This is barring 2020 when country-wide lockdowns helped refresh the city's air tremendously during the COVID-19 pandemic.

An AQI between 0 and 50 is considered good, 51 and 100 satisfactory, 101 and 200 moderate, 201 and 300 poor, 301 and 400 very poor, and 401 and 500 severe.


As per the Commission for Air Quality Management, Delhi locked in an AQI of 213 between January to May this year. For context, the AQI stood at a much-worse 237 during this five-month period in 2022, 235 in 2021, 181 in 2020, 236 in 2019, 242 in 2018, 251 in 2017 and 283 in 2016.

Since the beginning of the year, the northern state has recorded 74 days of 'good', 'satisfactory' and 'moderate' air quality, massively doubling the measly 37 clean air days the city could rejoice in all of last year.

Experts reckon that a flurry of meteorological events over North India might've helped this clean-up. Delhi is used to five to six rain- and wind-bearing western disturbances during its pre-monsoon season in April and May. The count is already up to ten this year, helping shovel a ton of dirty air out of the region.

Fortunately, this patch of good luck will likely continue, met teams note. Delhi's AQI has been forecast to remain in at least the moderate category, helping the city breathe for at least a few more days.


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