Local Traffic Pollution Can Be Significantly Reduced By Keeping Our Roadways Green: Study |


Local Traffic Pollution Can Be Significantly Mitigated By Simply Keeping Our Roadways Green, Study Finds

Representational image of a road adorned by trees (TOI, BCCL, MUMBAI/Uma Kadam)
Representational image of a road adorned by trees

For frequent drivers in India, the importance of greenery alongside roads is particularly evident. Apart from enhancing the visual appeal of the typically dull landscape dominated by concrete and asphalt, patches of lush greenery at traffic intersections often serve as a vital refuge from the intense Indian sun, especially for motorcyclists.

However, amidst the sprawling network of concrete highways in India, roadside greenery is dwindling, giving in to the pressures of urban development and pollution. It's a common sight to witness plants on traffic islands and medians wilting due to neglect or being damaged by wandering cattle using these areas as grazing spots. Not only is this detrimental from an aesthetic viewpoint, but a recent study has revealed that these plants also play a crucial role in mitigating the adverse effects of vehicle emissions.

To investigate the impact of trees and shrubs on reducing air pollution, researchers conducted thorough air quality assessments at five locations along a US highway, comparing areas with natural or decorative vegetation to similar spots devoid of greenery. The results were remarkable: roads adorned with plants showed a 37% decrease in soot and a 7% reduction in ultrafine particles.

The researchers suggest that trees and shrubs create a large surface area to which small particles adhere, effectively capturing pollutants and preventing them from dispersing into the surrounding atmosphere. This natural filtration system, complemented by strategic placement of greenery, could offer a practical solution to the pressing issue of heightened pollution levels near roads.

However, study author Roby Greenwald is keen to caution against regarding green roadways as a cure-all for all problems associated with vehicle emissions. While it significantly reduces particulate air pollution, it doesn't adequately tackle emissions of carbon dioxide or ozone pollution — greenhouse gases contributing to dangerous levels of global warming.


“We should plant more trees along roads because they provide benefits beyond aesthetics," Greenwald explains. "But I want to make it clear that we cannot solve all the problems associated with vehicle emissions simply by planting trees."

Air pollution, often dubbed a silent killer due to its association with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, knows no boundaries. Many schools and colleges in India are strategically situated near highways, exposing students not only to harmful pollutants but also to increased risk of road accidents.

The need to address this issue becomes increasingly evident as scientific evidence continues to accumulate, linking vehicle pollution to conditions such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, and heart attacks. Municipalities must take steps to improve air quality by investing in public transportation infrastructure, encouraging modes of active transportation like cycling and walking, and implementing policies prioritising environmental sustainability.

The research findings have been published in PLoS One and can be accessed here.


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