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DNA Analysis Has Helped Reconstruct the Face of an Ancient Chinese Emperor from 1,500 Years Ago!

By Ankush Banerjee

29 March, 2024

TWC India

A facial reconstruction of Emperor Wu (Pianpian Wei)
A facial reconstruction of Emperor Wu
(Pianpian Wei)

Emperor Wu, a formidable leader of the Northern Zhou dynasty, left an unignorable mark on ancient China during his reign from AD 560 to AD 578. Known for his military prowess and unification efforts, Emperor Wu's legacy has endured through the ages. However, the circumstances surrounding his untimely demise at the age of 36 have remained shrouded in mystery — until now.

Through meticulous examination of Emperor Wu's remains, unearthed from his tomb in northwestern China, researchers have uncovered intriguing insights into his life and death. Utilising cutting-edge ancient genetic research, the team extracted over one million single-nucleotide polymorphisms — genetic markers in our DNA — to glean information about the emperor's physical traits, including the colour of his skin and hair.

The result of this pioneering endeavour is a stunning 3D reconstruction of Emperor Wu's face, offering a glimpse into the appearance of the Xianbei people, an ancient nomadic Mongolian group to which he belonged. Contrary to earlier conjectures suggesting "exotic" features, such as thick beards and yellow hair, the study reveals that Emperor Wu possessed typical East or Northeast Asian facial characteristics.

Moreover, the genetic analysis provides compelling evidence regarding the emperor's cause of death. While historical accounts have offered varying theories — from illness to foul play — the research suggests that Emperor Wu may have succumbed to a stroke. This conclusion is bolstered by his genetic predisposition to the condition, as well as corroborating historical records that explained that the emperor might’ve suffered from drooping eyelids, speaking problems and an unusual gait — all striking hallmarks of a stroke.


Beyond shedding light on the life and death of Emperor Wu, the study offers valuable insights into the migration patterns and intermingling of ancient populations in Eurasia. By tracing the genetic legacy of the Xianbei people, researchers have unearthed evidence of intermarriage with ethnically Han Chinese, an East Asian group of people belonging to Greater China that currently comprise a whopping 17.5% of the global population.

Looking ahead, the team aims to further unravel the mysteries of ancient China by analysing the DNA of individuals from the historic city of Chang'an. As the eastern terminus of the Silk Road — an ancient legendary trade route spanning millennia — Chang'an holds a wealth of secrets waiting to be unearthed through the lens of genetic analysis.

The findings of this research have been published in Current Biology and can be accessed here.


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