Three Areas To Watch For Spring Flooding In 2023 |

USA National Forecast

Three Areas To Watch For Spring Flooding In 2023, NOAA Says


At a Glance

  • Flooding is most likely on the upper Mississippi River.
  • The near-record amounts of snow in the Sierra may pose additional flood threats.
  • Minor flooding is possible across large sections of the South and East.

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Spring is a time for blooming trees and warming temperatures, but it also comes with the threat of flooding across a large chunk of the country. This spring, three different regions could experience flooding, according to a new outlook from NOAA.

Spring is often referred to as mud and flood season because the combination of the previous winter’s snowpack, soaring temperatures and additional precipitation often lead to a mess as snow melts and rivers rise.

In general, flooding is possible across much of the Mississippi River Basin and in California during the next several months.

Spring Flood Outlook

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Here are the three areas we are watching for flooding this year:

1. The Midwest

Moderate to major flooding is expected by NOAA on the Mississippi River between Minneapolis and St. Louis. There is a moderate chance of flooding elsewhere in the Dakotas, Missouri and Illinois.

Multiple major winter storms have passed through the Dakotas, Minnesota and Wisconsin over the last few weeks, which has led to precipitation amounts of two to three times the average over the last month. Much of this precipitation has fallen in the form of snow that remains on the ground.

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Expectations for above-normal precipitation going through April, May and June, in combination with this snowpack, will likely lead to some flooding on the northern end of the Mississippi River.

(NOAA, Annotated by Jonathan Belles)

One silver lining to the recent storm track and fluctuations in temperature throughout the winter is that most rivers have less ice than average. This means sudden flood events in these areas are less likely to occur due to the absence of ice jams.

2. California

“California’s historic snowpack, coupled with spring rain, is heightening the potential for spring floods,” said Ed Clark, director of NOAA’s National Water Center.

The Golden State has been getting a little too much of a drought-buster over the last few months. Ski resorts have been temporarily closed due to too much snow; mudslides and avalanches are becoming more common; and rivers in parts of the state have been running high at times.

This annual snowmelt out of the Sierra and other mountains in California typically does not lead to flooding on its own, but the near-record snowpack could heighten flood concerns over the next few months.


NOAA currently forecasts below-average precipitation in April with equal chances for above- or below-average precipitation for the remainder of the spring in California. This may reduce the chance of flooding, but any rain that does occur this spring will fall at increasingly higher altitudes and could temporarily enhance snowmelt.

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3. Ohio Valley Into The South

NOAA says that large sections of the Ohio and Tennessee valleys, the lower Mississippi Valley and Southeast coast could see minor flooding this spring.

While many of these regions have seen below-average rainfall recently, spring is a common time to have severe weather from Texas and Oklahoma east to the Southeast coast and, on occasion, up into the Midwest, particularly later in the spring.


A few rivers in Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi are already elevated and the likelihood of above-average rainfall exists from Texas to the Midwest.

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