Year's First Significant Heat Wave Ongoing in the Southwest; 120-Degree Plus Heat in Death Valley | The Weather Channel

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Year's First Significant Heat Wave Ongoing in the Southwest; 120-Degree Plus Heat in Death Valley

The first significant heat wave of the year swept into the Desert Southwest, pushing temps near the 120 degree mark in a few spots. High and low temperatures were up to 15 degrees above average for much of the region.

(FORECAST: Death Valley, California | Las Vegas | Phoenix)

The hot temperatures reached record levels for late-June in some locations. Phoenix tied daily record highs on Wednesday (114 degrees) and Thursday (115 degrees). Palm Springs, California, reached 116 degrees on Thursday, breaking its daily record of 115 degrees.

The region's hottest weather so far this year is courtesy of high pressure aloft that moved into the area. The National Weather Service in Las Vegas notes that gusty southwesterly winds are anticipated each afternoon, and along with near-maximum solar radiation as the summer solstice approaches, there is no reason to doubt the very warm temperatures ahead.

As is often the case this time of year, the nation's hottest temperatures have been in this region over the past few days. The nation's high was in Death Valley on Monday and Tuesday, with highs of 120 and 117 degrees, respectively. Needles, California, took the prize Wednesday with a high of 118. Thursday's hot spots were Blythe, Thermal and El Centro, all in California; all three topped out at 119 degrees. On Friday and Saturday, Death Valley reclaimed the top spot when the mercury reached 119 degrees and 123 degrees, respectively.

This is a change from the first half of June which frequently experienced below-average temperatures and even saw wet conditions. Phoenix has seen 0.19 inches of rain this month and the average rainfall in June is 0.02 inches.

(MORE: Strange Early June Rain in the Southwest)

High temperatures in Las Vegas were in the 106-113 degree range for much of the week, where the average high temperatures for mid-June are around 100 degrees. Highs in Las Vegas reach or top 110 degrees about 9 times a year; the record is 29 days in 1940.

Highs in Phoenix reached the low and mid-110s through much the week. Lows added to the effect of the heat with temperatures only dropping into the mid-upper 80s overnight within the urban areas; average mid-June lows in the Valley of the Sun are in the upper 70s.

A few daily records have been tied or broken in this pattern already. Tucson, Arizona, tied its daily record of 109 Wednesday; the same day brought a record-tying high of 110 to Daggett, California (near Barstow). On Friday, a high of 107 was enough to set a new June 19 record in Bishop, California. Las Vegas tied its daily record high of 113 degrees on Saturday. 

We urge you to take safety precautions against the heat during this period. The National Weather Service in Phoenix warns that those playing or working outdoors, as well as those without access to air conditioning, will face an elevated risk of heat-related illness. Remember to never leave kids or pets unattended in cars, drink more water than usual. Wear light-colored clothing and keep your head and body cooler with a hat. Take frequent rest breaks in shaded or air-conditioned environments.

(MORE: All-time Record June Heat in the Northwest)

120-degree Heat Facts


Death Valley Heat

Death Valley is one location that regularly experiences temperatures rising above 120 degrees. The average first date of the first 120-degree reading is June 25 and the earliest on record was on May 20, 2008. This year, Death Valley recorded its first 120-degree day on June 14 with a high of 121 degrees.

(MORE: Death Valley Flowers Bloom in Winter)

On average, Death Valley bakes under 120-degree heat on 15 days a year -- two days in June, eight in July and five in August. The most on record is 52 days in 1917 and there have been a few years with no days at or above 120 degrees -- most recently in 1965.

Occasionally 120-degree temperatures are reached as early as May (which last occurred in 2008, which saw 32 days above 120-degrees total) and sometimes the heat persists into September -- most recently in 2007 with 3 days topping 120 degrees.

Death Valley saw its first 100-degree temperature on March 28 this year when the thermometer reached 102, which was earlier than its average first 100-degree reading (April 19).

(MORE: Record March Heat)

The top three years for most days above 120 degrees in June are 12 days in 1961, 10 days in 1929 and eight days in 1994 and 1924.

In 2013, temperatures reached 129 degrees on July 1. The official world-record high temperature of 134 degrees occurred in Death Valley on July 10, 1913.

Phoenix has reached 120 degrees three times on record (twice in June 1990 and on July 28, 1995). Yuma, Arizona, has also reached 120 degrees a handful of times with the last time being in July 1995.

MORE ON WEATHER.COM: Extreme Places - Death Valley (PHOTOS)

A man on duty at the Holborn Oasis swimming pool in London, suffering in the July heat. (Keystone/Getty Images)
A man on duty at the Holborn Oasis swimming pool in London, suffering in the July heat. (Keystone/Getty Images)
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