Why Do My Lungs Burn In Cold Air? | Weather.com

What’s That Winter Air Burn In My Lungs?

Woman in snowy mountains with colorful winter clothes
(Olga Pankova/Getty Images)

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If you can see your breath when you’re outside in cold weather, you may want to pay attention to discomfort or a burning sensation in your lungs. It’s common to feel this pain, but your body can adapt to the extreme temperatures, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Cold, dry air enters the lungs, causing irritation, which can lead to bronchospasm. That’s when airways tighten and narrow and you may start feeling shortness of breath. For those people with asthma, the dryness in the cold air can trigger symptoms, according to the Allergy & Asthma Network.

Can Freezing Temperatures Freeze Your Lungs?

Doctors say it’s unlikely that your lungs will freeze in extremely cold temperatures. Our bodies are able to adapt to cold air while maintaining a core temperature of between 97 and 99 degrees, the Mayo Clinic reports.

Even in the coldest conditions, the air we breathe reaches body temperature by the time it reaches our lungs, according to the American Lung Association.

How To Protect Yourself

Woman in snow with large scarf and hat
(Westend61/Getty Images)

There are ways to protect your pulmonary health in winter, starting with controlling the air temperature when you are breathing. An easy action is to wear a scarf around your mouth and nose to trap heat and moisture.


Protect your lungs at high altitudes in winter. Your body can adjust to lower air pressure and oxygen levels, but it will take a little longer than if you were at or near sea level.

Remember to breathe through your nose whenever possible. The nose warms and humidifies air more efficiently than the mouth.

A slow drink of warm water may help relieve pain associated with the burning sensation in the lungs.

If you have asthma, experts encourage you to try to spend time outside if you can, but to be aware of respiratory triggers. Also, keep your asthma-controlling medications nearby if you are attempting outdoor activity in extremely cold weather. Finally, warm up before heading into the elements: A stretch and a little movement ahead of time could help your lungs function better in the cold.

Most of the time, the burning sensation will dissipate as your lungs adjust to the environment, but if you don’t recover quickly after ending the activity and going inside, you may want to consider contacting a doctor.

