What the Heat Can Mean to Your Dog - Heat Stroke Can Be Fatal. Find out! | The Weather Channel


What the Heat Can Mean to Your Dog - Heat Stroke Can Be Fatal. Find out!


Heat stroke is a dangerous condition that takes the lives of many animals every year. While working up a good sweat in the hot summer months may be a great way for you to exercise, it can lead to heat stroke in your dog and kill him in a matter of minutes. Your dog's normal body temperature is 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. If it rises to 105 or 106 degrees, the dog is at risk for developing heat exhaustion. If the body temperature rises to 107 degrees, your dog has entered the dangerous zone of heat stroke. With heat stroke, irreversible damage and death can occur.

As a pet owner, you should know the dangers of overheating and what to do to prevent it. You should also know the signs of heat stroke and what to do if your dog exhibits those signs. Read more to learn about ways you can avoid having tragedy strike.

Heat stroke can be most common in the late spring month – before owners realize how hot it really is and before dogs are acclimated to the summer heat. “Tragic stories of heat stroke are common in April and May”, according to Dr. Debra Primovic, editor and chief of

Here are some cold summer facts:

• The temperature in a parked car can reach 160 degrees in a matter of minutes, even with partially opened windows. It is not safe to leave your dog in your car in the summer for even a short amount of time.

• Any dog exercising on a hot, humid day, even with plenty of water, can become overheated. Overheating often leads to heat stroke.

When humans overheat we are able to sweat in order to cool down. However, your dog cannot sweat as easily; he must rely on panting to cool down. Dogs breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth, directing the air over the mucous membranes of the tongue, throat and trachea to facilitate cooling by evaporation of fluid. Your dog also dissipates heat by dilation of the blood vessels in the surface of the skin in the face, ears and feet. When these mechanisms are overwhelmed, hypothermia and heat stroke can quickly, and usually do develop. Dogs who have a thick coat, heart and lung problems or a short muzzle are at greater risk for heat stroke.

Extreme Heat Risk Map

Others dogs at increased risk of heat stroke include:

What To Watch For


• Sluggishness• Being unresponsive• Disorientation• Bright red gums/tongue/ eye conjunctive• Hard panting• Vomiting• Collapse• Seizure• Signs of coma

What can you do?

If your dog exhibits any of these signs, treat it as an emergency and call your veterinarian immediately. On the way to your veterinary hospital, you can cool your pet with wet towels, spray with cool water from a hose or by providing ice chips for your dog to chew (providing he is conscious). 

Keeping him calm with your voice, and reassuring him with kindness can help him relax faster.

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Veterinary Care

Heat related illness is typically diagnosed based on physical exam findings and a recent history that could result in overheating though your veterinarian may perform various blood tests to assess the extent of vital organ dysfunction caused by overheating. Intensity of treatment depends upon the cause and severity of the heat illness. Here are some things you could expect to hear from you vet.

o Mildly increased temperature (less than 105°F) may only require rest, a fan to increase air circulation, fresh water to drink and careful observation.o Markedly increased temperature (greater than 106°F) must be treated more aggressively. Cooling can be promoted externally by immersion in cool water or internally by administering a cool water enema.o Underlying aggravating conditions, such as upper airway obstructive diseases, heart disease, lung disease and dehydration may be treated with appropriate medications, supplemental oxygen or fluid therapy.

Home Care of Dogs with Heat Stroke

Heat stroke can be a life-threatening emergency. Check your dog's temperature rectally if you suspect heat stroke. If it is over 105 degrees F, remove your dog from the heat source immediately and call your veterinarian.

Meanwhile, place a cool, wet towel over your dog or place him in a cool bath. Do not use ice because it may cause skin injury. Spraying with water from a garden hose also works well.

While heat stroke is a very serious issue, it is important for you to stay calm in order to help your pet get the best care possible. Remember that your dog can sense how you are feeling, and try to relax. Never be hasty with your animal, as it could result in further injury.

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