Flash Drought Worsens in South, But Some Rain Is Ahead This Weekend and Early Next Week |

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Flash Drought Worsens in South, But Some Rain Is Ahead This Weekend and Early Next Week


At a Glance

  • Severe to extreme drought has expanded in parts of the South.
  • Late summer heat and below average rainfall have expedited the drought's growth.
  • Some relief is ahead, as a pair of cold fronts are forecast to move through the South.

The flash drought has worsened in the South, affecting more than 45 million people across 14 states, but some relief is possible this weekend and early next week as showers and thunderstorms return to the forecast.

You may think of droughts as slowly evolving weather phenomena. But some droughts, known as flash droughts, can develop much faster, taking weeks to a few months rather than years, leaving less time to prepare for impacts such as crop losses, reductions in water supply and increased wildfire risk.

Over the past month, severe drought has developed in several Southern states, where crop losses are likely beginning as farm soils crack, ponds are drying up, wildfire risk is increasing and water shortages are possible. Severe drought is the third-worst of five drought categories, ranging from dry to exceptional drought. Extreme drought, the second-worst of the five categories, has also developed in localized parts of Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina and the Florida Panhandle.

The evolution of drought conditions from early September to early October.

Jason Otkin, a drought researcher at the University of Wisconsin, said he uses at least a two-category worsening in the U.S. Drought Monitor over a four-week period or a three-category intensification over an eight-week period as criteria for a flash drought.

In this case, there was a three- to four-category degradation in drought conditions in parts of northern Georgia between early September and early October. Much of the Tennessee Valley, Florida Panhandle, southern Arkansas and the central Appalachians saw a two- or three-category degradation in the same period.

In the short term, a pair of cold fronts will drop into much of the South. The first front could bring a few showers and thunderstorms to portions of the South this weekend, while the second front might bring a more widespread area of showers and storms early next week.

This is good news for the drought-fatigued region. Temperatures should also turn much cooler behind that second cold front next week.

(MAPS: 7-Day Forecast Highs and Weather)

Long term, there is additional hope for wetter weather in at least parts of the South.

The latest 8- to 14-day precipitation outlook from NOAA's Climate Prediction Center has increased odds of above average rainfall in mid-October across Florida and southern portions of Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi. Near average amounts of rain are favored in the rest of the Southeast, while the Tennessee Valley and central Appalachians are predicted to stay drier than average in mid-October.

This extended-range precipitation outlook shows contours of increasing confidence of wetter than average (green contours) and drier than average (brown contours) conditions.
(NOAA's Climate Prediction Center)

The rapid growth of this drought and continued dry weather into early October are largely due to a stuck weather pattern that includes a stagnant bubble of high pressure over the Southeast and a jet stream that continues to pull moisture from northern Mexico into the Midwest without much intrusion into the Southeast.

Underneath this dome of high pressure, sinking air has caused warmer than average temperatures and little to no precipitation. This pattern was most pronounced during the first three and a half weeks of September, but continued to some extent into the end of September and the first few days of October.

Average pressure and jet stream pattern from Sept. 1 to 24.

Dozens of cities across the United States experienced their hottest September in more than a century of recordkeeping – many of those cities in the South – and precipitation lacked by 2 to 4 inches during the month in many of those same cities.

The only exception to these departures from average was in the eastern Carolinas in early September, when Hurricane Dorian brought a break from the heat and a dousing of rainfall, more than 6 inches in some spots.

Rain is a major part of the water cycle, but with such a long period of dry, hot weather, trees and grass have continued to dry out and have limited moisture to give back to the atmosphere, or to evapotranspirate. This lack of evapotranspiration will lead to fewer clouds until the pattern changes next week.

(MORE: Pattern Change Will Bring Heat Relief by Next Week)

However, even when the pattern does change, it will take time for the ground to remoisten.

This lack of rainfall and hot temperatures might also lead to a lackluster leaf-peeping season across much of the South. Since fall has already begun, when trees dry up, the leaves will just dry out and fall without changing color.

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