Weather-Safety Home Hacks to Withstand the Worst | The Weather Channel

Hurricane Safety and Preparedness

Weather-Safety Home Hacks to Withstand the Worst


From hurricanes to tornadoes to an underestimated amount of rain, severe weather can seriously damage your home.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, Superstorm Sandy caused $18.75 billion in insured property losses, and that's excluding flood insurance claims covered by the U.S. government. In the last five years, floods have affected all 50 states. Around 20 percent of all flood insurance claims came from low-risk areas. In 2014, the average flood claim was more than $29,000.

When a hurricane or other severe storm results in flooding or structural damage to your home, the results can be catastrophic. But you can avoid many future headaches by making small changes. Here are five household hacks to make your home sweet home safer against the next big storm.


Know your BFE

A key factor in keeping your home safe from flooding is knowing your BFE, or your Base Flood Elevation. According to, that's the elevation at which your building has a one percent chance of flooding annually.


You should build your home at least three feet above the BFE to minimize risk. Additionally, make sure your electrical outlets are 12 inches above the BFE to avoid outages during a flood or fires from a short circuit. 

Move HVAC Equipment Upstairs


It's common for homeowners to keep heating, ventilation and cooling (or HVAC) equipment in the basement since they're utilities, but this can be risky as far as flooding goes. Floodwater can severely damage HVAC equipment and aggravate a severe weather situation on a whole new level. According to, you can minimize that risk by having your contractor move the equipment upstairs, or build a flood-proof wall around it. Paperless drywall can do the trick.

Trim Extra Branches


Trees crashing into homes are not uncommon during hurricanes, but you can reduce the risk of this happening to your home. You don't need to get rid of all the trees on your property, but some maintenance will do the trick. According to, homeowners should trim branches that are weak or overhanging to reduce the number of limbs that could break and cause property damage.

Be Prepared To Make Shutters


The last thing a homeowner wants to do when a hurricane hits is have to rush to a home supply store to purchase plywood for emergency shutters. Instead, have materials at home so you're prepared. Cut the plywood to fit your window, ready a drill and drill bits and be prepared to put those shutters up if needed. The Federal Alliance of Safe Homes has a set of full instructions.

Do Your Homework on Flood Insurance


The most important way to be prepared in case of a flood is to be insured. Many homeowners wait until it's too late. According to FEMA, most home insurance plans do not cover flood insurance. Plus, flood insurance takes a month to go into effect after the premium has been paid, so get insured pronto.

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