What It’s Like to Live in a City Full of Moose | The Weather Channel

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What It’s Like to Live in a City Full of Moose

A moose cow crosses the parking lot of the National Weather Service, Anchorage.
(Michael Jones/Design Pics/Getty Images)

When California native Cathy Sandeen first came to the University of Alaska, Anchorage to interview for her job as chancellor, she was given a great introduction to the city:

“I’m walking around one of the facilities and there goes a moose, just trotting on by,” Sandeen says. “It was as if it was put there by central casting to entice me to Alaska.”

Then she also noticed something else: A police car was following behind the moose very slowly.

“That’s when the facilities person that was showing me around explained that moose are very dangerous. People walking around campus or coming out of buildings have to be careful. You don’t want to run into a moose inadvertently.”

That’s why the University has moose alerts (and bear alerts!) to warn students and faculty when wildlife wanders onto campus — which happens pretty regularly.

An aerial view of Anchorage, Alaska. The city has quite a lot of green space for moose to live.
(Westend61/Getty Images)

The campus itself is located within the city of Anchorage, but it’s in the eastern part of the city, where there are a lot of of wooded areas. The campus even has a creek running right under one of the buildings where wild salmon spawn.

“It’s actually pretty typical of Anchorage in that there isn’t a lot of boundary between the wild and the city,” Sandeen says. “We just see a lot of animals.”

Since moving to Anchorage two years ago to take the job, Sandeen’s moose sightings have become a fairly regular occurrence. In fact, on more than one occasion, she’s seen several of the giant creatures in her unfenced backyard that abuts a wooded area.

A moose outside Cathy Sandeen's dining room window.
(Cathy Sandeen)

“When quarantine first started and there was still a lot of snow on the ground here, this giant moose just sat down in the snow right outside my dining room window,” she remembers. “He was so big! I was doing my zoom calls from the dining room so that was fun — I got to include the moose in my calls.”

Another time, she says, she went to close her blinds and saw a cow and her calf. “The mother was busy eating the fresh green leaves coming in on the trees and the baby was just wandering around — it was probably only two weeks old.”

Picture of Moose in Alaska.  Picture of moose from the living room window.  On this cold day in Anchorage, Alaska, this moose offered a bright spot on this cold wintery day.
A moose seen from a resident's window.
(cweimer4/Getty Images)

As fun as it is to watch the moose through the window, though, Sandeen never lets her guard down. “I’m still plotting my escape,” she says. “I’m thinking, ‘okay, if it starts coming through the window, I’m going to run upstairs.”

Being moose-aware like that is just a fact of life in Anchorage.

An Ideal City for Moose

Moose are everywhere in the city: they are lounging in backyards, hanging out in front of garage doors, meandering through parking garages, eating food off front porches and trotting across busy roads. In the fall, male moose might even be seen rutting — running full speed at each other and locking horns in a competition for dominance — on driveways or front lawns.

Anchorage, Alaska, United States of America
(Doug Lindstrand/Design Pics/Getty Images)

It’s traditionally been difficult to get an exact count of the moose population in this urban environment because it’s impossible to do aerial surveys in congested city airspace. Still, based on a ground survey that Alaska Department of Fish and Wildlife has conducted over the last two years, around 350 moose live the Anchorage Bowl. Some moose live in the city year-round, but many others spend the warmer months in the surrounding Chugach mountains and descend into the city only during late fall/early winter.

“Moose are built to deal with snow — they’re the biggest deer species in North America and they’re basically on stilts — and they have such long legs so that they can get through deep snow. But even with those legs, once the snow gets up to a certain level where it is above their knees, it becomes calorically taxing to slog through the mountain snow,” explains Dave Battle, a wildlife biologist with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

Moose grazing in Cook Inlet with Anchorage Alaska in the background
Moose grazing in Cook Inlet near Anchorage, Alaska.
(JonnyNoTrees/Getty Images)

“Anchorage is a big network of plowed trails and roads so it’s much easier for them to walk and get between food patches, mating areas and stuff like that. They have a better chance of survival because they don’t have to slog through the deep snow in the mountains.”

Anchorage is also enticing for the moose because it has a lot of green space, including city parks like Kincaid Park and wooded areas throughout the town and residential areas.

A Danger For Residents

1300 or more moose wandering around Anchorage brings with it unique challenges and dangers.

A calf had gotten two legs caught in a chain link fence so Battle had to work very carefully to free it, snipping a couple links with bolt cutters whenever the cow moved away then hiding in the shed when she returned when her calf vocalized. "Took a while, but the operation was a success," says Battle. "We did get reports over the next few days that the family was in the same area so I think the calf survived."
(David Battle/Alaska Department of Fish and Game)

Di Whitney, executive director at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center, gets to see moose everyday as part of her job, but the encounters with these animals that stand out to her most are the more frightening encounters. “The times that stand out to me are when I am outside mountain biking or running, and happen to encounter an aggressive moose unexpectedly,” she says. “When a moose is charging, you are running for your life looking for something to get behind.”

“It can be very scary.”

Anchorage, Alaska, United States of America
A bull moose at the entrance to Kincaid Park, Alaska
(Doug Lindstrand/Design Pics/Getty Images)

As the largest deer species, moose can be 6 feet tall and weigh up to 1600 pounds, Whitney says. “They are [also] extremely fast and can run 35 miles per hour,” she adds.

This means that when they charge and kick you, they can do a lot of damage.

“They’re very strong and they’re primarily using their hooves, so their kick is incredibly strong,” says Battle. “[Their kick] is their defense against predators. They kill wolves and they kill bears with it and a person is not nearly as tough as a wolf or a bear.”

According to Battle, a number of residents get kicked or stomped by moose every year.

This year, he says, one woman was kicked so badly she had to be in the hospital for around a week. Last year, a family was stomped by a mother moose in Kincaid Park. Luckily, however, while it is definitely possible for a moose to kill you, the last fatal moose stomping in Anchorage was back in 1995, when a moose trampled a 71-year-old man to death on the University of Alaska campus.

Part of the problem stems from the fact that urban moose aren’t all that afraid of humans.

Moose can often be seen within the city limits, in Anchorage, Alaska.  A lone moose makes his way in search of Mountain Ash leaves.
A lone moose within city limits of Anchorage, Alaska
(cweimer4/Getty Images)

“Urban moose are used to seeing people,” Battle explains. “They will not necessarily run from people when they see them and they just stand there. People get used to that. They think 'I can go past moose at about this distance and they won’t do anything.' Well you might do that 100 times and be fine, but with that 101st moose, that was too close and you get a charge.”

“Different moose have different breaking points.”

They also don’t like dogs because dogs look a lot like their main predator, the wolf. This means dog walkers often underestimate the distance they should keep from moose. As many as 50 to 100 dogs are injured or killed every year.

You’re also more likely to be charged or kicked by a moose at certain times of year.

Assistant area biologist Cory Stantorf took this photograph after he and Battle reunited this calf and its sibling with their mother. The calves had been separated by fences.
(Cory Stantorf/Alaska Department of Fish and Game)

“The most dangerous time is actually right now,” says Battle, “when cows have their newborn calves.” Calves are born between mid-May and mid-June and when they’re first born, he explains, they’re too slow and fragile to outrun a predator. “They can’t escape a wolf or a bear and the cow doesn’t really differentiate between people, dogs, wolves and bears,” he continues.

“So the cow’s strategy is not to run, but to stand her ground and grind into dust anything that threatens her calves."

Other dangerous times include during the rut (mating season, usually around September/early October, when bulls are particularly aggressive) and late winter.

Anchorage, Alaska, United States of America
Two bull moose fighting in Anchorage, Alaska.
(Doug Lindstrand/Design Pics/Getty Images)

“In March particularly, moose have just barely been getting through the winter,” Battle explains. “There’s not a lot of nutritious food for them on the landscape in winter… so they get a real short fuse and if people get too close, they don’t want to give up their spot.”

People can occasionally make the problem worse in winter, he adds. Seeing moose get skinny, people sometimes feed them, but then moose defend food piles, especially when food is scarce, making them more likely to stomp a passer-by. If a moose has ever been hand-fed (which is illegal but still happens), they also develop a habit of mugging people looking for a handout.

“We get troopers involved and give citations to people who feed moose, but once a moose has gone down that road,” Battle says, “we usually have to kill it.”

After getting out of the river, the mother and baby crossed the road. In this picture you can see how they are in an identical stride with each other.
A moose and her baby crossing a road.
(Brandon Ervin/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

Moose can also dart into oncoming traffic without warning. Late fall and early winter is peak time for moose-vehicle collisions, Battle says, particularly if it hasn’t snowed yet. “Moose are a very dark-colored animal, and when we’re getting into October around here, the daylight hours are fading — you’re going to work in the dark and you’re coming home in the dark — so if there is not a snowy background to see a big dark animal against, you don’t see it.”

While moose do have reflective eyes, they don’t tend to look at headlights the way deer do, making it even harder to see them against a dark road.

How Do Residents Stay Safe?

Longtime Anchorage residents are pretty wildlife savvy, for the most part.

A bull that wandered into a downtown parking garage in Anchorage.
(Cory Stantorf/Alaska Department of Fish and Game)

“When you’re here, you just have to be aware that they can be anywhere,” says Sandeen. “I was leaving a dinner party last summer and I opened the door to leave and there was a mother and baby right there on the porch.”

That’s why she always takes precautions. “For example, when I leave home, I’ll get in my car and then open the garage door in case they’re hanging out there.” Or, after discovering that moose had eaten her porch pumpkins, she’s careful about leaving anything out that might be food. "I keep garbage in the garage and only put it out on the day of pickup.”

Residents are also pretty good at warning each other, she says. “People in Alaska, I’ve noticed, they always tell you if you’re hiking on a trail or something that there’s a moose.”

Bull moose on mountain bike trail in Anchorage, Alaska
A bull moose on mountain bike trail in Anchorage, Alaska.
(christiannafzger/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

Anchorage is a pretty transient city though, and not everyone is used to being around large wild animals.

Alaska Fish and Game do their part to warn residents about places where dangerous moose might be. “Particularly this time of year, we tell them to avoid areas like trails that have real dense vegetation or really curvy trails — like mountain bike trails — because there is not real good visibility so it’s easy to be on top of a moose before you know it,” says Battle.

Alaska Department of Fish and Game doesn't always put signs out, like this one, because moose don't always stay put. However in this case, says Battle, this was the only woodlot in this particular neighborhood and a moose and her twins had decided to camp out there. This made it easy to warn residents about her.
(Cory Stantorf/Alaska Department of Fish and Game)

And, much like how the University of Alaska Anchorage alerts students when a moose is on campus, Alaska Fish and Game tries to keep residents up-to-date about moose sightings in residential neighborhoods through the NextDoor app, particularly if it’s a moose that seems on edge.

They've also invested heavily in educational efforts to make sure residents know what to do when they encounter a moose. Here are some of their tips:

1. Keep moose at a distance. “It’s fine to observe them and enjoy wildlife watching from a distance but don’t try to get too close with your smartphone,” says Battle.

If you’re walking your dog, give the moose even more distance than you normally would. It’s also best to keep your dog leashed.

Anchorage, Alaska, United States of America
Calves rest in a yard in west Anchorage.
(Doug Lindstrand/Design Pics/Getty Images)

2. Pay attention to body language.

“Since different moose have different distances that they might charge you,” explains Battle, “watch for the hair on the back of their neck to come up — that’s a sign that the moose is getting agitated. If their ears go back, they might charge. If they start licking their lips, it’s a sign of agitation and you’re probably getting too close. Same if they square up.”

Other signs they’re getting upset include stomping their food on the ground and urinating.

“If you see these signs, you need to immediately back off and go back the way you came.”

3. Know that sometimes a moose will charge you without any warning.

With a lot of wildlife, including bears, it’s good to make noise while you’re walking because it will let the animals know you’re coming and they’ll often move away. But you can’t depend on that with moose.

Most cows have one or two calves but his one, spotted on the popular Anchorage Coastal Trail had triplets, which is very rare.
(David Battle/Alaska Department of Fish and Game)

“This is particularly true if she has small calves,” explains Battle, “because even if she hears you coming, she knows her calves are not old enough, strong enough or fast enough to escape from a predator. She’s not going to move off, she’s just going to brace herself.” This means that even if you don’t know she’s there, she knows you're there, and she might charge you before you become aware of her.

4. If a moose charges you, run away and get something between you and the animal.

Unlike bears — where conventional wisdom is to stand your ground so that their instinct to chase doesn’t kick in — moose are not predators. That means that if they charge you, it is because they are defending themselves.

“So if you run, even though a moose is faster than a person, if you run, most often they’ll break off the charge pretty quick,” says Battle. Still, because they are faster than you, try to run and hide behind something, like a tree, building, or vehicle.

5. If you’re driving, be alert and slow down.

Slow down especially if there’s bad weather, it’s dark out, you’re in a moose ‘hot spot,’ you see a moose crossing sign, you see a moose near the road, or you see other cars slowed or stopped.

A moose crosses a park road in Denali National Park, Alaska.
A moose crossing the road.
(Paul A. Souders/Getty Images)

If you see one moose, assume that another is nearby. For example, cows might have calves that you might not be able to see them from the road.

If you do see moose near the road, it’s also a good idea to warn other drivers by flashing your hazards.

Worth It?

“Judging from the amount of photos that people post on social media, even people who have lived here their entire lives, still think it’s a delight to see a wild animal,” says Sandeen. She's right: Social media streams are full of moose — just check #mooselandia on Instagram. Sometimes videos of moose acting strangely go viral, such as the one of a moose cooling itself down on a hot summer day with a resident’s sprinkler.

For Sandeen, seeing so much wildlife certainly hasn’t lost its charm yet — even if it does mean you have to be careful. Bears still scare her (and like most Alaskans, she routinely carries bear spray when she walks), but she still finds the experience of living in a city with so much wildlife rewarding.

Located close to the coastal Chugach Mountains at the head of Cook Inlet, Anchorage is warmer than the rest of Alaska (averaging 65 degrees in summer). In the winter, Anchorage is ideal for sight-seeing, arctic biking or "skijoring," which is cross-country skiing while being towed by a dog.
The city of Anchorage, Alaska.
(Blue Poppy/Getty Images)

“Those of us who watched Bullwinkle the moose cartoon have an image of this friendly moose, cute moose, goofy moose, and they certainly look that way. But wild animals are wild animals and you have to respect them,” she says.

“The lesson I’ve learned about moose is that you can’t judge a book by its cover, but you can coexist with them and it makes for a very interesting experience.”

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