How To Get Your Family Ready For Tornado Season |

Tornado Safety and Preparedness

How To Get Your Family Ready For Tornado Season


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Unlike hurricanes and tropical storms, which can usually be tracked days in advance, a tornado can strike with as little warning as 13 minutes. Once it's touched the ground, it can destroy property in a matter of moments, leaving people defenseless against its over 200 mph winds and dangerous, flying debris. While America's Tornado Alley, which includes South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, northern Texas, and eastern Colorado, may experience tornados more frequently, they can occur in any part of the country as long as the conditions are right, so it's important to be prepared for one no matter where you live.

The best way you can protect yourself and your family from the potentially devastating effects of a tornado is to have a plan in place ahead of time that can be put into motion as soon as you receive a tornado warning alert.

Create A Disaster Supply Kit

(Getty Images/JamesBrey)

Whenever you're preparing for any natural disaster, it's imperative you have a disaster supply kit complete with all the things you might need to get through the storm and a few days afterwards in case you're stranded in an area without access to electricity, food, water or emergency care. Start with the basics, and then add on depending on your unique needs. For example, if your family includes seniors, small children, people with special needs and/or pets, you may need to bring certain medications or safety devices. Here are just some of the recommended supplies for your basic disaster kit:

  • One gallon of water per person per day for at least three days
  • A three-day supply of non-perishable food
  • A battery-powered or hand crank radio
  • A flashlight
  • A first aid kit
  • Batteries
  • Plastic sheeting and duct tape to keep out dust-filled air
  • A dust mask
  • Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties
  • A wrench or pliers
  • A can opener
  • Local maps
  • At least one cell phone with charger and a backup battery

Know Tornado Warning Signs And Systems


Whether you live in Tornado Alley or anywhere else in the country, knowing your community's tornado warning system as well as the signs that a tornado may be about to strike is an important step to staying safe. If your area doesn't have a warning system you can sign up for on the phone or online, The Emergency Alert System (EAS) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio provide comprehensive alerts. It's also a good idea to familiarize yourself with your area's emergency siren, and alert your children to it as well.


Make sure everyone knows how to follow local and national weather reports so that they can get a sense for when conditions are ripe for a tornado and prepare accordingly.

Telltale meteorological signs that a tornado might be about to hit are rotating churning clouds, a whirling dust cloud on the ground and a loud roaring sound like a nearby train. If anyone in the family hears or sees that, it's time to head to a shelter.

Find A Safe Place To Wait Out The Storm

(Getty Images/Richard McMillin)

While a storm cellar is traditionally the safest place to be during a tornado, it's not always possible to get to something like that. Your family should know of a few spots in and around the house that can serve as a shelter in case a storm cellar isn't available. If you don't have a traditional basement, get to the middle room at the lowest point in the house. If you can, get under a heavy piece of furniture or behind a mattress, and put helmets on any children in case debris flies into the house. Stay as far away from windows as you can.

If you're in a vehicle, don't try to outrun the tornado — get out as soon as you can, and find shelter, covering your head and neck with a blanket or anything else you can find. If there is no shelter nearby, find a ditch and lie down in it, covering your face with your arms.

Practice Your Tornado Emergency Plan

(Getty Images/PhotoAlto/Anne-Sophie Bost)

After you've briefed everyone in your family about your supply kit, how to know a tornado may be imminent, and where to go to seek shelter, you should do a few practice drills. It's easy to forget simple things when you're panicked, as many people are in a emergency situation. If you practice the plan though, everyone, especially any young children, will be more likely to remember what to do and where to go. It's also a great way to see if there's a more efficient way to accomplish any of the steps and whether or not you're missing anything.

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