All-Weather Prep: Things to Always Have In Your Home in Case of Emergency | The Weather Channel

Tornado Safety and Preparedness

All-Weather Prep: Things to Always Have In Your Home in Case of Emergency



Help protect your family against potential weather disasters and emergency situations by compiling an emergency supply kit. Check your kit every few months to make sure nothing is out of date. Perishable items should be changed or replaced every six months.

When putting together your disaster supply kit, one of the first items to include is enough water for the entire family. Government agencies recommend at least three gallons per person per day as a rule of thumb. Store this in plastic, food-grade containers. And don't forget some extra water for sanitary use. 

Keep reading to learn what other supplies you should have ready in case of emergency.



You should have at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food that requires no refrigeration or preparation and little or no water. These are some suggestions of food items to keep tucked away in case of an emergency or severe weather.

  • Dry cereal
  • Peanut butter
  • Canned fruits
  • Canned vegetables
  • Canned juice
  • Ready-to-eat canned meats
  • Ready-to-eat soups (not concentrated)
  • Quick energy snacks, graham crackers

First Aid Kit


Just like food and water, you don't want to be stuck in a disaster situation without a first aid kit. It's a god idea to prepare one for your home and one for each car. Here's a list of items to consider as you put together your first aid kit.

  • Scissors
  • Thermometer
  • Tweezers
  • Needle
  • Sunscreen
  • Cleansing agent/soap
  • Latex gloves (2 pairs)
  • Tongue blades (2)
  • Moistened towelettes
  • Assorted sizes of safety pins
  • 2" sterile gauze pads (4-6)
  • 4" sterile gauze pads (4-6)
  • 2" sterile roller bandages (3 rolls)
  • 3" sterile roller bandages (3 rolls)
  • Triangular bandages (3)
  • Petroleum jelly or other lubricant
  • Sterile adhesive bandages in assorted sizes

Non-Prescription Drugs


Medical woes can strike in good weather and bad. Just as you have your medicine cabinet at home stocked with some essential over-the-counter drugs, stock your emergency supply kit with a variety of items you may need.

  • Laxative
  • Anti-diarrhea medication
  • Aspirin or non-aspirin pain reliever
  • Antacid 
  • Activated charcoal (use if advised by the Poison Control Center)
  • Syrup of ipecac (use to induce vomiting if advised by the Poison Control Center)

Tools and Supplies


Whether you're stuck in a house without power or stranded in a car on an evacuation route, these tools and supplies can come in handy in emergency situations. Create a pack of tools for your home and for each car that may hit the road.

  • Whistle
  • Crowbar
  • Paper, pencil
  • Medicine dropper
  • Needles, thread
  • Signal flare
  • Assorted nails, wood screws
  • Plastic storage containers
  • Cash or traveler's checks, change
  • Tape, duct and plumber's tape or strap iron
  • Patch kit and can of seal-in-air for tires
  • Shut-off wrench, to turn off household gas and water
  • Aluminum foil
  • Plastic sheeting
  • Compass
  • Matches in a waterproof container
  • Pliers, screwdriver, hammer
  • Heavy cotton or hemp rope
  • Non-electric can opener, utility knife
  • Mess kits, or paper cups, plates and plastic utensils
  • Map of the area (for locating shelters)

Personal Hygiene and Medical Items


In an emergency situation, you could be in close quarters with other people for a prolonged amount of time. Make it more bearable by packing some basic personal hygiene items in your disaster supply kit.

  • Disinfectant
  • Soap, liquid detergent
  • Feminine supplies
  • Toilet paper, towelettes, paper towels
  • Plastic garbage bags, ties (for personal sanitation uses)
  • Household chlorine bleach
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Plastic bucket with tight lid
  • Insulin
  • Prescription drugs
  • Denture needs
  • Extra eye glasses
  • Contact lenses and supplies
  • Heart and high blood pressure medication

Clothing and Bedding


Disaster could strike during a hurricane in the middle of summer or in the form of a blizzard during colder months. Make sure your kit is ready for any type of weather situation (as is applicable to your location) and have the following items on hand.

  • Sunglasses
  • Hat and gloves
  • Blankets or sleeping bags
  • One complete change of clothing and footwear per person
  • Rain gear
  • Sturdy shoes or work boots
  • Thermal underwear

Baby Supplies


Have a newborn in tow? Don't forget to pack a baby bag with these essential items.

  • Formula
  • Bottles
  • Powdered milk
  • Diapers
  • Medication

Pet Supplies


The same goes for your pets. Make sure you have enough food, water and other supplies for each pet.

  • Food
  • Leash, harness or carrier
  • Records of vaccinations
  • Spill-proof food and water containers

Important Family Documents


Important documents should be kept in a flame-proof and water-proof location to begin with. Consider making that container portable so you can easily stow it in your car or emergency shelter when disaster strikes.

  • Important telephone numbers
  • Record of bank account numbers
  • Family records (birth, marriage, death certificates)
  • Inventory of valuable household goods
  • Copy of will, insurance policies, contracts, deeds, stocks and bonds
  • Record of credit card account numbers and companies
  • Copy of passports, social security cards, immunization records



Nobody wants to be stuck for hours (or days) on end, but be prepared in the event that you are. Have a stash of board games and books on hand in case the power goes out (or your battery dies) and you don't have access to your Netflix instant queue.

  • Games and books
  • Electronic devices
  • Charging cords for each device

MORE ON WEATHER.COM: Tornado Risk by Month

30-year average number of tornadoes through 2011: 27

January Tornado Risk

30-year average number of tornadoes through 2011: 27


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