New Tornado Maps Show Latitudes, Longitudes Hit Most Frequently | The Weather Channel

Tornado Safety and Preparedness

New Tornado Maps Show Latitudes, Longitudes Hit Most Frequently

Wichita, Kansas, tornadoes have been relatively common since 1950, according to maps recently released by National Weather Service meteorologist Tim Brice.
(Julie Denesha/Getty Images)

Meteorologist Tim Brice has developed two new maps that may change the way you look at tornadoes.

Brice, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in El Paso, Texas, crunched the number of tornado touchdowns between 1950 and 2013. Then he plotted the Storm Prediction Center's data on two separate maps to show the latitudes and longitudes that have seen the most twisters during that time span.

(MORE: The 10 Deadliest Tornadoes in American History)

Shortly after posting the two maps Monday on social media, they were rapidly distributed by meteorologists and weather geeks alike because they show a fascinating, fresh take on old statistics.

In the first map that filters tornado touchdowns by longitude, a line just east of 98 degrees west appears to have the most twisters in the 63-year span studied – a line of longitude that has seen more than 2,000 tornadoes during the time frame. This line cuts right through the middle of the Great Plains, and Brice's map shows the surrounding lines have also seen more than 1,500 tornadoes each.

Photo courtesy of Tim Brice, National Weather Service-El Paso.

"All of these locations are in the heart of the central Plains, where atmospheric conditions are favorable to generate supercells that produce tornadoes," said meteorologist Chrissy Warrilow.

(MORE: What Are Supercell Thunderstorms?)


When Brice plotted latitudes, his findings revealed a line near the Nebraska-Kansas border has the highest number of tornado touchdowns since 1950, with more than 500 twisters confirmed by the NWS at a line near 40 degrees north.

Photo courtesy of Tim Brice, National Weather Service-El Paso.

This latitude line touches near some big cities, like Denver, Colorado, Indianapolis, Indiana, and Columbus, Ohio.

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The lower tornado counts from latitudes of about 36 degrees to 39 degrees north could be due to the higher elevations of the Appalachians, where tornadoes are less common, writes USA Today.

If you combine both of the maps to see where the largest two lines intersect, it appears to be somewhere near Cuba, Kansas, an hour north of Salina and three hours northwest of Kansas City, Warrilow said.

MORE ON WEATHER.COM: Images From the Late-April Tornado Outbreak in the Plains and South

Charles Milam sits on a downed tree in front of what is left of his home where on Monday, April 28, 2014, he was injured by flying debris as he rode out a tornado in Tupelo, Mississippi. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
Charles Milam sits on a downed tree in front of what is left of his home where on Monday, April 28, 2014, he was injured by flying debris as he rode out a tornado in Tupelo, Mississippi. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
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