Tornado Warning False Alarms: National Weather Service Upgrades to Impact-Based Warning System | The Weather Channel

Tornado Safety and Preparedness

Tornado Warning False Alarms: National Weather Service Upgrades to Impact-Based Warning System


Roughly three out of every four tornado warnings issued by the National Weather Service are false alarms. 

No, that's not a misprint. Only one in four tornado warnings contain a verified confirmed tornado within the warned area during the time of the warning. But that doesn't mean you should just ignore them.

On average, about 70 percent of all confirmed tornadoes occur in an active tornado-warned area. In other words, seven out of 10 confirmed tornadoes were covered by a tornado warning at the time. The success rate has doubled since the mid-1980s, thanks to Doppler radar, technology and meteorologists' better understanding of tornadic environments. 

(MORE: A Tornado East Texas Never Saw Coming

Prior to the April 3-4, 1974 Superoutbreak, warnings were typically issued only after a tornado was already confirmed. Today, tornado warning lead time —the time from the warning is issued to the time the tornado occurs — averages around 15 minutes. There is no telling how many lives have been saved over the past few decades thanks to advance notice.

The bottom line: Meteorologists detect tornadoes when they actually occur quite well. So what's causing all the false alarms?

Striking the Balance

There's a delicate balance between trying to detect and warn for every single tornado while keeping the number of false alarms low. The more tornado warnings you issue, the higher chance of a false alarm, which increases public complacency.

"We want to err on the side of caution. It's not an option to miss one," said Chad Omitt, warning coordination meteorologist at the National Weather Service forecast office in Topeka, Kan. "We do the best we can to catch every tornado before it happens."

On the other hand, less warnings would, in theory, lessen false alarms.

"What risks are we willing to swallow in order to take a step back and not go after every weak tornado?" asked Omitt. "That's a conversation we have not yet had with emergency managers, elected officials and the media."

"A lot of these (weak, particularly EF0) tornadoes may be on the ground for a minute or two and do not kill." We'll come back to that point later.

Radar's Limitations

While Doppler radar is a linchpin of severe warning operations today, the basic fact that a radar beam's height increases with distance from the radar means it cannot detect a tornadic circulation at the ground. 

(Note: In rare cases, a debris-ball signature, explained in the video at the right, or tornado debris signature can indirectly indicate the presence of a tornado).

For example, if a suspected storm is 100 nautical miles from the radar, the center of the radar beam is over 12,000 feet above the surface.

Strong rotation aloft often does not mean a tornado is either in progress or will form. In general, only 20-25 percent of rotating supercells produce tornadoes.

For this reason, trained storm spotters and chasers remain vital, confirming a tornado is happening, or letting forecasters know the rotation is still aloft.

"The deployment of additional gap-filling radars between the current NWS sites is something that could happen as a cooperative effort between various levels of government and possibly the private sector, and help reduce the false alarm threat in the future," says severe weather expert Dr. Greg Forbes.

Not As Easy As You Think 

Our knowledge of the large-scale ingredients in place — wind shear, moisture, instability — during days with numerous tornadoes, as opposed to days spawning severe thunderstorms with hail and high winds, is also steadily improving.

It is easier for a forecaster to verify a tornado warning for a supercell on days with a potential for long-track, violent tornadoes. Tornado warning performance and lead times are higher on these volatile days, according to a 2008 study by Kelly Keene, Paul Schlatter, Jack Hales and Harold Brooks of NOAA's National Severe Storms Laboratory and Storm Prediction Center.

You should pay particularly close attention to tornado watches and warnings on those volatile days where you may hear the The Weather Channel,, the National Weather Service, and local media mention the phrase tornado outbreak.


Thankfully, there are very few days like that each year. The majority of severe weather days are more marginal for tornadoes. Among the challenges forecasters face in these events are:

  • Nighttime tornadoes - Unless the tornado is illuminated by lightning, or power flashes are seen, or damage has already happened, these are harder to verify.
  • Short-lived tornadoes embedded in squall lines may quickly form, then dissipate, and their signatures may be less pronounced.
  • Tornadoes in squall lines or high-precipitation supercells may be obscured by rain, and, therefore, hard to identify as tornadoes.
  • Spotter networks - You'll have plenty of spotters in, say, Oklahoma, but there are far less in sparsely-populated areas.
  • Time of year - Outside of the core severe weather months during spring and early summer, the environments are more marginal, the public is less aware, and  perhaps fewer spotters available.

"We're often dealing with imperfect information," said Omitt. "We try to capture all tornadoes as best as we can before they happen with the tools we have."

Combine that with a forecaster sometimes monitoring multiple storms simultaneously, and you can understand the potential to issue a few more tornado warnings out of caution in borderline, more uncertain cases.

(MORE: Tornado...or an Imposter?)

More Dire Warnings

Imagine a winter storm warning without giving forecast snowfall totals or a flood warning without giving river crest information. For years, all tornado warnings were essentially the same.

The fact is not all tornado threats are equal.

In the National Weather Service's central region, 97 percent of tornado fatalities from 2008-2012 were caused by only 13 percent of all tornadoes, those rated EF2 or stronger on the Enhanced-Fujita scale

The National Weather Service is hoping the expansion of impact-based warnings (IBW) to include 44 offices from Montana to Virginia to Texas in 2014 helps delineate high-impact events — like Moore, Okla., and Joplin, Mo., for example — from the vast majority of weaker tornadoes that are less likely to prove fatal.

"We have a very formal, rigid warning process," said Omitt. "We want to tell the public what we know when we know it in an easier-to-find format."

National Weather Service impact-based warning tags. (NOAA/NWS)

(WATCH: NWS Impact Based Warnings Presentation)

The bottom of each warning will have a tornado tag saying whether the warning was based on an observed tornado or simply based on radar-indicated rotation.

There is also the option for the forecaster to add the following tornado damage threat tags:

  • Considerable: Evidence of a tornado capable of considerable damage is ongoing or imminent.
  • Catastrophic: Severe threat to human life and catastrophic damage from a tornado is occurring, which will only used when a violent tornado is confirmed.

"The considerable tag won't be used a lot," said Omitt. "We may use that two or three times in northeast Kansas each year."

Situations like Tuscaloosa, Ala., Joplin, Mo. or Moore, Okla. would dictate using the catastrophic tag.

"There cannot be false alarms with the catastrophic tag. A violent tornado has to be verified through live television or streaming video on the internet. I hope I never have to issue one," says Omitt. 

If your area is covered by a tornado warning with one of these tags, you are in danger from a confirmed tornado capable of considerable damage or worse.

Omitt said the NWS-Topeka office has twice issued tornado warnings with the catastrophic tag, both while supporting their neighboring NWS office in Wichita as they were taking shelter in May 2013 and April 2012. 

(TORNADO EXTREMES: U.S. Costliest | World's Deadliest)

Despite the uncertainty and ongoing challenges with false alarms, an NWS meteorologist issuing any tornado warning should prompt you to seek shelter immediately. Period.

(MORE: Meaning of Watches & Warnings | WeatherReady Tornado Safety)

"Our warning is just one part of the ultimate goal of encouraging people to take action as fast as possible," said Omitt. "The first thing our emergency managers and local media look for in tornado warnings are the tags, now."

MORE ON WEATHER.COM: Vintage Tornado Photos

One of the oldest known photographs of a tornado. It is probable this image has been "doctored" from the original. At this time, the oldest known photograph of a tornado was taken on April 26, 1884 at Garnett, Kansas.
One of the oldest known photographs of a tornado. It is probable this image has been "doctored" from the original. At this time, the oldest known photograph of a tornado was taken on April 26, 1884 at Garnett, Kansas.
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