Snow Forecast Maps On Social Media: What To Know |

Winter Safety and Preparedness

Model Snow Forecast Maps On Social Media: What You Should Know About Them


At a Glance

  • Forecasts for winter storms can be uncertain even a day or two in advance.
  • Maps showing long-range snow forecasts from individual computer models should be viewed with caution.
  • Several factors create uncertainty in winter storm forecasts.

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Major winter storms affect the United States every year and bring with them major disruptions to everyday life.

In order to understand how big of a disruption one might be, the most pressing question is always: How much snow am I going to see?

(​MORE: Winter Storms 101)

Patience is needed when it comes to snowfall forecasts: The eagerness to know how much impact a snow or ice storm will have is understandable, but unfortunately, sometimes that question cannot be answered until within one to three days of its arrival.

This thirst to know what will happen can often be fed by those computer model forecasts of snow amounts that often go viral on social media. Sometimes you might see these maps with pretty blue, pink and purple contours up to a week or so in advance of a storm's arrival.

There's nothing that can be done about these maps; they will never disappear from social media. But you can do your part by not buying into what they are showing and also not spreading them like a nasty virus.

Example of a snow model forecast with different colors representing snowfall amounts.

Meteorologists might see signs of a significant winter storm five to seven days in advance, but it's too early for specific snow forecasts: For instance, there might be indications in forecast model guidance on a Monday morning that a winter storm could affect several regions of the U.S. the following weekend.

Instead of showing specific details, forecasters usually just give a heads up that we are watching for a particular storm in a general time frame. This is typically followed by the caveat that the forecast will change and we will provide more details as they are available.


The lack of detail in a long-range winter storm forecast is because of several factors: One reason is that weather disturbances triggering the development of a potential winter storm might be thousands of miles away from their future destination. That means they may be traveling over a more data-void region such as the Pacific Ocean before they reach the U.S.

Without robust data, numerical forecast models may have difficulty resolving important details of how a winter storm may come together from that incipient disturbance(s). It's a basic concept of forecast models that initial errors in analysis or short-term forecasts grow with time.

Throw in questions surrounding the location and depth of the cold air source, and there are countless uncertain scenarios that forecasters face when dealing with a winter storm in a long-range forecast.

(15-min details: For even more granular weather data tracking in your area, view your 15-minute details forecast in our Premium Pro experience.)

Circled is an example of a jet stream disturbance in the North Pacific Ocean that might be the instigator for developing a winter storm in the United States multiple days from where it's located.

T​hose uncertainties lead to the flip-flopping often seen in long-range snowfall forecasts from computer models: For example, you might see a map posted on social media that shows 8 to 12 inches of snowfall (model run No. 1 below) for your city from a storm that's still five or more days away. That same model could change its tune and forecast 3 to 5 inches in its next update 12 hours later (model run No. 2 below).

On top of that, those maps often don't take into account how much snow can be produced from the forecast amount of liquid equivalent precipitation, also known as the snow ratio. Snow totals on the maps can also be inflated in areas where sleet is expected rather than snow.

Example snowfallforecasts made 12 hours apart from the same computer model.

H​ere's what to do next time you hear that there is a possibility of a significant winter storm in your area: First of all, resist the temptation to run with the forecast on any snow map you might encounter on social media.

Instead, consider the source. If the person who posted the image isn't a familiar face that you've seen on TV, or a trained meteorologist from the National Weather Service or a private forecast company such as, a quick Google search of their name will almost always tell you in less than 30 seconds if this is a reputable source.

Chris Dolce has been a senior meteorologist with for over 10 years after beginning his career with The Weather Channel in the early 2000s.

The Weather Company’s primary journalistic mission is to report on breaking weather news, the environment and the importance of science to our lives. This story does not necessarily represent the position of our parent company, IBM.

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