COP21 Day 1: 'The Future of Our Planet' at Stake | The Weather Channel


COP21 Day 1: 'The Future of Our Planet' at Stake


More than 150 world leaders converged on Paris Monday to kick off COP21. COP stands for Conference of Parties, an annual meeting meant to tackle the challenges of climate change.

This year, leaders aim to reach “the most far-reaching deal ever to tackle global warming,” the Associated Press wrote. In the past, disagreement over how much responsibility developed vs. developing nations — particularly the United States and China — should have for climate action has stalled talks.

Day one of this year's conference found world leaders, including Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, introducing the talks, and the risks of inaction on climate change.

"The future of the people of the world, the future of our planet, is in your hands. We cannot afford indecision, half measures or merely gradual approaches. Our goal must be a transformation,” U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, the AP reported.

(MORE: 5 Things to Know About the Paris Climate Talks)

Other leaders invoked the twin causes of climate action and global security, notably French President Francois Hollande, in the face of terrorist attacks in Paris just three weeks ago. "What is at stake with this climate conference is peace. The fight against terrorism and the fight against climate change are two major global challenges we must face,” he said Monday.

Monday evening local time, Iranian Vice President Masoumeh Ebtekar highlighted the connection between climate and conflict. “I wish to urge the U.N. system to initiate an assessment on the carbon footprints of war, conflicts, security and terrorism,” she said, according to The Guardian. “Those perpetuating conflicts are in fact accomplices of the global warming process.”

Still others noted that a comprehensive global agreement on emission reductions — sorting out how rich countries should help developing countries cope with climate change — is necessary just not for current leaders, but for future generations.

"Addressing climate change should not deny the legitimate needs of developing countries to reduce poverty and improve living standards." Chinese President Xi Jinping said, the AP reported.


Leading up to last year's COP, the U.S. and China agreed to a historic deal with the U.S. agreeing to cut emissions by 26 to 28 percent, compared to 2005's levels, by 2025. China agreed to reach peak greenhouse emissions by 2040 and then “curb the intensity” of emissions.

On Sunday, President Obama, French President Hollande and others announced “Mission Innovation,” a $10 billion fund for clean energy research and development over the next five years. In total, 20 countries — including the world's top five most-populous — committed to doubling green energy development over this timeframe, the White House announced. Private investors through Bill Gates’ Breakthrough Energy Coalition will support the work.

This action and others like it will spur the world’s best scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs to create better technology and new clean energy-related jobs, Obama said from Paris on Monday, Climate Central reported.

“There are hundreds of billions of dollars ready to deploy to countries around the world if they get the signal that we mean business this time,” he said. “Let’s send that signal.”

Also on Monday, some of the 20 countries included in the initiative, led by India, announced a new global solar power partnership to develop solar power throughout the tropics.

MORE ON WEATHER.COM: Global Climate March Attracts Droves of Supporters, Clashes (PHOTOS)

Policemen detain an activist during a protest ahead of the 2015 Paris Climate Conference, in Paris, France, on Nov. 29, 2015.
Policemen detain an activist during a protest ahead of the 2015 Paris Climate Conference, in Paris, France, on Nov. 29, 2015.
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