Great Barrier Reef Undergoing a 'Complete Ecosystem Collapse,' Scientists Say | The Weather Channel


Great Barrier Reef Undergoing a 'Complete Ecosystem Collapse,' Scientists Say

A before and after image of coral at Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef after undergoing bleaching in March 2016, and after it died and became covered in algae in May 2016.
A before and after image of coral at Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef after undergoing bleaching in March 2016, and after it died and became covered in algae in May 2016.
(XL Catlin Seaview Survey)

At a Glance

  • A decline in fish numbers, paired with coral bleaching in the winter, have delivered a blow to portions of the Great Barrier Reef.
  • This bleaching event is probably not the first time many of the corals have been bleached.

Depleting fish populations and corals that are still bleaching in the winter paint a bleak picture for parts of the Great Barrier Reef, which is undergoing a “complete ecosystem collapse,” scientists say.

For a week, Coral Watch chief investigator Justin Marshall surveyed the reefs around Lizard Island in Queensland, according to the Guardian. He said many of the fish species commonly spotted around the coral had completely disappeared.

“The lack of fish was the most shocking thing,” Marshall told the Guardian. “In broad terms, I was seeing a lot less than 50 percent of what was there [before the bleaching]. Some species I wasn’t seeing at all.”

Coral bleaching occurs when ocean waters warmed by climate change cause coral communities to release the algae that provided their color and food. The corals can't cool down and find new algae fast enough, which causes them to die out and become a milky shade of white before they begin to decompose and attract turf algae.

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A declining population of fish was a major indication that the ecosystem had collapsed. When corals die, they become covered with algae, which cuts fish off from the sources of shelter and food that they need, according to Coral Watch. Without these resources, the fish either die out or move elsewhere.

Another blow to the livelihood of the Great Barrier Reef: Marshall told The Guardian some of the corals continued to bleach, even as cooler water from the Southern Hemisphere’s winter moved in.

“There are still corals bleaching,” said the scientist. “Especially noticeable on Lizard Island were the soft corals. Some of them have remained bleached. And some of the hard corals are still white.”


It was revealed that 93 percent of the Great Barrier Reef has undergone bleaching, with more than 80 percent showing signs of severe bleaching.

Marshall suspects many of them were probably not undergoing bleaching for the first time, the Guardian also reported. Rather, they have remained bleached since it started.

Despite the less-than-favorable outlook, Marshall says he spotted some recovered corals, as well as some anemones that had bleached but managed to survive.

(MORE: Decline in Fish Stocks Puts Hundreds at Risk for Malnutrition)

According to Coral Watch, the primary factor that determines whether a coral survives after a bleaching event is the amount of time that it's exposed to high temperatures under high light conditions. The longer it’s exposed, the more likely it’s going to die.

Corals can recover quickly once the sources of stress are removed and, in some cases, corals regain their color within days, Coral Watch also reports. However, each bleaching event weakens the overall health of the reefs over time.

“One-quarter of all marine life lives in or around a reef,” writes Coral Watch. “What happens when these reefs disappear? Current predictions are that coral reefs worldwide could be gone within 25 years. How much will be left after this global bleaching event? How much will be left for future generations?

“This is a worldwide coral bleaching event – not just Australia.”

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