The Ocean’s Beautiful Hidden Monsters (PHOTOS) | The Weather Channel


The Ocean’s Beautiful Hidden Monsters (PHOTOS)

The deep sea has inspired many tales of sea monsters, mermaids and and even gods and goddesses. As we learn more about our Earth and its waters, we are stunned by the creatures found in the ocean deep. Tens of thousands of new species are discovered every year, and their sizes, colors and survival techniques never cease to amaze.

Photographer Colin Marshall captures images of some of the most bizarre-looking animals found near the ocean floor.

Marshall has been pursuing underwater photography for the past 15 years. His favorite spot is Lembeh in Indonesia, where he has completed more than 500 dives — and where he says his best shots were taken.

“One attraction with underwater photography is that there is a very good chance that anyone with a camera can take an exceptional picture of a particular animal, simply because there are very few images of that animal in existence,” Marshall told Caters News Agency in an interview. “If you are underwater in a place like Lembeh you have a chance of not just seeing an animal that few have seen, but also to take one of the first — and by definition the best — images of that animal.”


Why are so many deep sea animals vibrant and colorful? According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), it has to do with the water’s penetration by light’s wavelengths. Many sea creatures that look red to us are actually invisible in deep waters, because red light does not reach great depths.

“As light wavelength decreases from red to blue light, so does the ability of light to penetrate water. Blue light penetrates best, green light is second, yellow light is third, followed by orange light and red light. Red light is quickly filtered from water as depth increases,” NOAA reports.

View the slideshow above for some of Marshall’s stunning photos.

MORE FROM WEATHER.COM: More Creatures of the Deep in Intimate Detail

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