Stratosphere Littered With Tiny Bits Of Space Junk |


Stratosphere Littered With Tiny Bits Of Space Junk, New Study Shows


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The sky more than seven miles above Earth is littered with tiny pieces of metal and other elements from trashed spacecraft burned up during re-entry to the atmosphere, new research has found.

The discovery was made while analyzing data collected from a research plane in the stratosphere high above the Arctic, according to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration.

Scientists from NOAA and other institutions including Purdue University and England’s University of Leeds discovered aluminum and exotic metals embedded in about 10% of the particles that make up the majority of the stratosphere.

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"Two of the most surprising elements we saw in these particles were niobium and hafnium,” said Chemical Sciences Laboratory research chemist Daniel Murphy, who led the team of scientists. “These are both rare elements that are not expected in the stratosphere. It was a mystery as to where these metals are coming from and how they’re ending up there.”

The mystery was solved when those and more than 20 other elements were linked to satellites and rocket boosters. Niobium and hafnium, for example, don't occur as free elements in nature but are used in heat-resistant, high-performance alloys.

This shot of Earth taken from the International Space Station shows layers of the atmosphere high above the planet.

The study used a custom-built instrument called PALMS, short for Particle Analysis by Laser Spectrometry, installed on the research aircraft. The tool can gather and chemically analyze individual air particles one by one while the aircraft is in flight.


T​he research, published Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is part of an effort to study aerosol particles in the stratosphere. The second layer of our atmosphere, the stratosphere extends from about six miles to 30 miles above Earth. It's home to the ozone layer, which protects the planet and living beings from the sun's harmful ultraviolet light.

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T​he scientists say the elements are the remains of space junk that burned up when it was purposely jettisoned back in the atmosphere for disposal.

T​hey concede the amount of pollution might seem small.

“But over 5,000 satellites have been launched in the past five years," study co-author Martin Ross of The Aerospace Corporation said. "Most of them will come back in the next five, and we need to know how that might further affect stratospheric aerosols.”

O​rbitingNow, which catalogs items in outer space, is currently tracking about 8,000 objects in low earth orbit that will eventually burn up in the atmosphere. reporter Jan Childs covers breaking news and features related to weather, space, climate change, the environment and everything in between.

The Weather Company’s primary journalistic mission is to report on breaking weather news, the environment and the importance of science to our lives. This story does not necessarily represent the position of our parent company, IBM.

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