Meteorite Slams into Connecticut House |


Meteorite Slams into Connecticut House

Meteorite Strike
Via an NBC Connecticut screenshot, the meteorite that hit a Connecticut man's home on April 19 is seen.

Celestial events can be awe-inspiring, as long as they remain at a distance and don't come crashing through your home.

The Lyrid meteor shower was little more than a close call for Larry Beck, whose Wolcott, Conn. house was struck by what appeared to be a baseball-sized rock in the middle of the night, late Friday, April 19. It was originally thought to be a piece of concrete from a runway that was stuck in a plane and then dropped from the sky, according to reports included in a Universe Today story.

After the rock was sent off for further analysis, it was confirmed to be a meteorite by a Yale official, reports NBC Connecticut. According to the same story, many residents in Wolcott reported rattling windows and hearing a loud boom around the time the meteorite came slamming through Beck's roof, further supporting the findings.

NECN said Beck took the space debris over to a friend's house -- meteorologist John Bagioni -- to get a second opinion before sending it off to the lab. However, as weather fans know, meteorology isn't the study of meteorites or meteors, so the incredible discovery wasn't official until Yale announced their findings.

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MORE ON WEATHER.COM: Lyrid Meteor Shower

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