100-Degree Days Are More Common Than You Think | The Weather Channel

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100-Degree Days Are More Common Than You Think


At a Glance

  • Triple-digit heat is not that uncommon in the summer across much of the Plains states.
  • Geographical location, elevation and humidity are factors that determine where the hottest temperatures are most likely.
  • The temperature can reach 100 degrees in parts of the Northeast and Great Lakes regions, but not very often.

We know extreme heat occurs frequently in the Desert Southwest and occasionally in the South during the warmer months, but there are other areas of the nation where triple-digit heat occurs more often than you might think.

The map below created by climatologist Brian Brettschneider gives a good idea of where the mercury hits the century mark most often each year. Plotted on the map is the average number of days with 100-degree heat annually across the Lower 48 from 1981-2015.

It confirms the Desert Southwest has the most 100-degree days by far, exceeding 50 days in some areas each year. Parts of the South also average several triple-digit heat days, which probably isn't shocking.

More surprising is the number of 100-degree days up through the Plains states and over parts of the mid-Atlantic.

(MORE: Where This Week's Heat Wave Could Be Worst)

Average number of days with high temperatures of 100 degrees or more from 1981 to 2015.
(Brian Brettschneider)

Geographical location, elevation and humidity are factors that can contribute to triple-digit heat in the U.S.

At higher latitudes, the sun angle is lower and there is less solar radiation. As a result, temperatures are generally lower, unless influenced by other factors.

Since temperatures generally drop off as you move higher in the atmosphere, it's more likely to see higher temperatures at the lower elevations than in the mountains.

Atmospheric moisture (relative humidity levels) also come into play. Dry air heats more readily than moist air because more solar radiation is absorbed by the Earth rather than being reflected by clouds. Therefore, if the humidity is higher, it could feel warmer but the actual temperature will be somewhat lower.

Triple-Digit Heat By Region


It's no surprise that the lion's share of triple-digit heat per year is in the Southwest. Their latitude is farther south than most other regions, and the air, especially across the desert, is dry most of the time. Several locations in Southern California and Arizona experience 100-degree or higher temperatures well over 100 days per year.

Examples of this excessive heat can be seen in the chart below, compiled by Brian Brettschneider, who studied yearly averages dating back to 1981.

LocationAverage number of 100-degree days per year (1981-2015
Death Valley, California134
Imperial, California122
Yuma, Arizona119
Phoenix, Arizona110
Las Vegas, Nevada75

There is often a stark contrast in temperature across Southern California; a great example is in the Los Angeles area. Riverside, just east of Los Angeles, records about 20 days above 100 degrees per year, while that type of heat hardly ever occurs at Los Angeles International Airport, located beside the cool Pacific Ocean.


As expected, triple-digit heat occurs rarely, if at all, near the Pacific Coast. The number of 100-degree days in eastern Washington and Oregon is somewhat surprising, at first glance. This area, east of the Cascades, is much drier than locations west of the mountain range. Also, westerly winds "downslope" off the Cascade mountains.

Under these conditions, sinking air warms and allows temperatures to rise quickly.

As a result, Walla Walla, Washington, averages eight 100-degree days per year, while Seattle averages zero.



Because of the higher latitude, lack of overly dry air and no large mountain ranges to the west, triple-digit heat is rare in the Northeast, but it does occur. Boston averages about one triple-digit high temperature every decade, while New York City experiences about one every three years. The Baltimore-Washington D.C. area records between one and two per year, on average.


It would make sense to think that the lower latitude would make this region ripe for triple-digit heat. Although high temperatures in the 90s in the summer are common, it's more difficult to experience triple-digit heat due to relatively high humidity levels. Humid conditions and proximity to bodies of water make much of the Florida Peninsula immune to 100-degree heat. The heat index, however, provides more than enough compensation to keep things uncomfortable.


It's also possible for triple-digit heat to creep into the Upper Midwest and Corn Belt. Chicago records triple-digit temperatures about every other year, while Minneapolis averages one every three years. St. Louis averages just above three 100-degree days per year.

The Plains and Texas

Texas can be very hot, but triple-digit heat is less likely near the Gulf of Mexico than inland. What could be considered surprising is that triple-digit temperatures are actually quite common across much of the Great Plains, even up to the Dakotas.

The Great Plains are situated east of the Rocky Mountains, and the area doesn't receive as much Gulf of Mexico moisture as areas farther east. As a result, the air can be dry much of the time. Also, high-pressure ridges aloft (bulges in the jet stream) frequently set up across this region during the summer months.

Below are some locations that record triple-digit heat each year.

LocationAverage number of 100-degree days per year
Austin, Texas22
Dallas, Texas20
Dodge City, Kansas15
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 12
Topeka, Kansas10
Rapid City, South Dakota5
Bismarck, North Dakota2

More Heat In The Future?

Strong ridges of high pressure ridge aloft are becoming more common and could lead to more triple-digit heat.

Heat waves are more common when we have certain conditions present in the upper atmosphere.

The most common feature associated with extreme heat is a large ridge of high pressure (bulge in the jet stream).

Since the 1980s, strong and widespread high-pressure ridges are occurring more often.

Meteorologists, climatologists and other scientists are keeping a close eye on this from year to year, and if this trend continues, the number of days with triple-digit heat will become more prevalent across much of the nation.

MORE ON WEATHER.COM: Urban Heat Islands

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