Most Stunning Railway in the World (PHOTOS) | The Weather Channel


Most Stunning Railway in the World (PHOTOS)

Chile is home to amazing landscapes, and the Chanaral-Llanta-Potrerillos rail line traces such landscapes and has earned the title as one of the most stunning railways in the world.

The train tracks climb mountains and dip into valleys, connecting Potrerillos, a now abandoned mining town 2850 meters above sea level in the Andes with a filtration plant in Llanta and Diego de Almagro. The 155 kilometer-long line then continues on the Longitudinal Norte, part of the state railway network, towards Chanaral.

(MORE: 10 Scariest Train Rides in the World)


According to Amusing Planet, the line was built in 1916 by the Andres Copper Mining Company with the goal to transport copper from Potrerillos. The mine started production in 1927.

The Potrerillos mines were closed in 1959 as the quality of the copper in the area began diminishing. The town was abandoned, but a copper smelter and refinery continue to operate at the site, Amusing Planet reported.

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