Number of Tornado Reports So Far This Year the Lowest in 13 Years |

Tornado Central

Number of Tornado Reports So Far This Year the Lowest in 13 Years


At a Glance

  • The number of reported tornadoes so far in the U.S. is well below average.
  • A more northerly jet stream brought more tornadoes than average to the northern Rockies.
  • Texas is nearly 90 tornadoes below average for the first six months of the year.

The preliminary number of tornadoes in the U.S. through late June is at its lowest in at least 13 years largely due to a lackluster May and June.

Those months are typically the most active months in Tornado Alley, the area between Texas and the Dakotas that sees some of the most tornadic activity in the world. 

(MORE: Tornado Central)

You have to turn the calendar back to before 2005 to find a year with fewer preliminary tornado reports through roughly the year's first half than 2018 (549 reported tornadoes). It is likely that the final number for 2018 will be less than that when final analysis is complete next year because tornado reports can be combined. 

Looking at confirmed tornadoes alone, at least 27 years have had fewer tornadoes than 2018 since 1950 through late June, according to Dr. Patrick Marsh, warning coordination meteorologist at NOAA's Storm Prediction Center.

Most of these years were before the cell phone era and before storm chasing was a hobby. Those years may have had more tornado reports if today's technology was available. 

Preliminary tornadoes for various years back to 2005 by day. Note that the actual tornado count for each year is lower.
(NOAA/Storm Prediction Center)

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The biggest tornado droughts this year are in the southern Plains, or in the southern part of tornado alley. Texas is nearly 90 tornadoes behind its first-half-of-the-year average of 122 tornadoes. 

An unfavorable jet stream position kept twisters away from Oklahoma until early May. When storm systems finally did arrive, they didn't produce many tornadoes.


The jet stream did, however, produce tornadoes in the northern Rockies, including Idaho, Wyoming and North Dakota.

Wyoming has had 21 tornadoes to date, including two rare EF3 tornadoes for the state. With 22 tornadoes so far in 2018, North Dakota is ahead of its average of 15.

Idaho has been hit by almost as many tornadoes as Oklahoma this year. The increased tornado count in Wyoming, 13 more than usual, may have been helped by storm chasers hungry for a bigger twister season in the Plains. Some of these rural tornadoes may have gone unseen otherwise. 

Reported tornadoes in each state from Jan. 1 - Jun. 25, 2018.
(NOAA/Storm Prediction Center)

(MORE: Here's What You Can Expect For Temperatures and Precipitation the Rest of Summer)

When the jet stream did dip to the south, it caused dozens of tornadoes along the Gulf Coast. April was relatively active from Louisiana to Alabama because of two severe weather outbreaks. 

If Louisiana gets no more tornadoes this year, it will still be an above-average year for tornadoes in the Pelican State. Louisiana has seen 49 tornadoes in the first half of 2018, compared to the 30-year average of 37 tornadoes per year. 

Mississippi and Alabama also had above-average tornado activity early in the spring because of outbreaks on April 6 and April 13. Both states had a dozen more tornadoes compared to average. 

States that have gotten hit by more tornadoes than usual this year are shaded in red while states that have been lucky are in blue. Average: 1989-2013. Tornado counts are preliminary.
(NOAA/Storm Prediction Center)

The more northerly jet stream sent storm systems on a track around the U.S.-Canada border or through the Midwest for much of the spring.

This means it was much more difficult for storm systems to tap into the Gulf of Mexico moisture and southern heat. These two ingredients, in addition to the wind shear that the jet stream provides, are most favorable for tornadogenesis when they overlap. 

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