Recent Years Show Tornadoes Are A Fall, Winter Danger |

Tornado Central

Recent Years Show Tornadoes Are Often A Danger In Fall, Winter


At a Glance

  • Tornadoes are most numerous in the U.S. in spring and early summer.
  • However, severe thunderstorms and tornadoes can occur any time of year when conditions are in place.
  • That includes both fall and winter, as recent history has illustrated.

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T​ornadoes and severe thunderstorms are most common in the United States in spring and summer, but they can also happen in fall and winter, whenever the right conditions are in place.

That statement might be surprising. Fall usually conjures up visions of the first cold fronts of the season sweeping away summer's heat and humidity. Crisp, cool fall mornings don't seem to mesh with thoughts of severe thunderstorms.

A​nd let's face it, winter's cold and snow seems the polar opposite - pun intended - from tornadoes.

The data tells a different story: B​elow is a graph of average monthly tornadoes in the U.S. over the most recent 20 years through 2022.

Y​es, there's a pronounced peak in spring and early summer. But, while fewer than spring, tornado counts remain rather steady in fall and winter. All of the months in those seasons average more than three dozen tornadoes each year.

(Data: NOAA, SPC)

Just like spring, fall is a battleground season: Tornado counts don't plunge to zero after summer because the conditions that spawn them can still occur in fall and winter in some parts of the country.

Larger outbreaks occur when warm, humid air from the Gulf of Mexico meets up with the increasingly stronger cold fronts and jet stream winds that typically sweep across the country. That's generally the same setup we often see in spring.

When this mix of ingredients comes together, it can ignite numerous severe thunderstorms that produce damaging winds, large hail and tornadoes.

October's tornado risk can still stretch far to north: While it doesn't happen every year, the possibility of tornadoes can reach into the upper Midwest and Northeast during fall's first full month.

A​mong recent October outbreaks was an Oct. 20-21, 2019, outbreak in six southern states, including an EF3 on the north side of Dallas; Pennsylvania's largest October outbreak in 2018 and an early October 2013 outbreak that spawned an EF4 tornado in Wayne, Nebraska.

N​ovember's greatest tornado risk shifts southward: Parts of the South, especially the lower-Mississippi valley, have the greatest risk. But, the possibility of tornadoes can extend farther north into the mid-Mississippi Valley, lower Ohio Valley and mid-Atlantic states.

November 2022 was a reminder with an above average 68 tornadoes in the month, most of which were in the South. Deadly tornadoes struck Texas and Oklahoma on Nov. 4, and then Alabama early on Nov. 30.

O​ne of the nation's worst tornado outbreaks happened just days before Thanksgiving 1992 when a swarm of 105 tornadoes tore through parts of 13 states from Texas to the Carolinas. The severe weather claimed 26 lives and injured another 638.


T​here were also a pair of Midwest November tornado outbreaks in recent years. One of those, in early November 2002 in the Ohio Valley, spawned an EF4 tornado in Van Wert, Ohio. Another in mid-November 2013 produced EF4 tornadoes in Washington and near New Minden, Illinois.

Wintertime tornadoes are a concern too, especially in the South: As you would expect, Arctic cold fronts often surge through the South in winter, cutting off any chance of thunderstorms – much less severe thunderstorms – in the Lower 48.

But when that cold air doesn't penetrate into parts of the South in winter, an active jet stream overlapping warmer and more humid air can ignite severe thunderstorms ahead of an advancing cold front.

D​ecember 2021 was the most recent extreme example, and not just for the South. T​wo severe weather outbreaks tore through parts of the South and Midwest in just five days in mid-December 2021.

The first outbreak of 66 tornadoes included the long-track Mayfield, Kentucky, EF4 tornado. That was followed by an unusual December derecho in the Plains and upper Midwest that spawned another 99 tornadoes.

Tornadoes and reports of tornadoes from the Dec. 10-11 and Dec. 15, 2021, outbreaks. Since NWS was still surveying some areas in the upper Midwest when this map was compiled, not all confirmed tornadoes are plotted on the map above.
(Data: NOAA/NWS/SPC; Map: Madeline Scheinost)

I​t's not just December, either: January 2023 had a preliminary 124 confirmed tornadoes, making it the third most twisters the month has seen in records dating to 1950. Tornadoes killed seven people in Alabama and one person in Georgia during a Jan. 12 tornado outbreak that hit the South.

February has had a streak of deadly tornadoes in recent years, as well as notable outbreaks such as Super Tuesday 2008 and Leap Day 2012.

Fall, winter tornadoes are often a danger after dark: A​nother important aspect to fall and winter severe weather is the tendency for more tornadoes to occur at night, given fewer hours of daylight in standard time, rather than daylight time.

This is important since tornadoes occurring at night are more than twice as likely to be deadly as those during the day, according to a recent study.

Damage left behind following the Feb. 15, 2021, tornado in Brunswick County, North Carolina. Three were killed and 10 injured by this late-night tornado.
(Brunswick County Sheriff's Office)

How can you be warned if you're sound asleep? Here are some tips:

-Buy a NOAA weather radio. You can find these at most electronics retailers. Warning alarms can be set to sound when any National Weather Service tornado or severe thunderstorm watch or warning is issued.

-Your smartphone can alert you. Most newer smartphones are capable of receiving wireless emergency alerts from your local NWS office. These include tornado warnings. Make sure your smartphone is charged sufficiently and left on overnight, and a special tone and vibration will occur twice when a tornado warning is issued. Note, however, this will not sound for a tornado watch or severe thunderstorm warning.

-Other weather apps can also alert you. Many weather apps, including The Weather Channel app, can send alerts to your smartphone, tablet or smartwatch.

-Know where to go. Have a plan in place in advance for where you will seek shelter.

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