Lightning Deaths Predominantly A Guy Thing and Peak During Summer Months: NOAA Study | The Weather Channel

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Lightning Deaths Predominantly A Guy Thing and Peak During Summer Months: NOAA Study


The majority of U.S. lightning deaths since 2006 were men enjoying outdoor summer leisure activities, according to a new study from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

(MORE: When Lightning Strikes You | Lightning's Destruction | Safety Tips)

Roughly four of every five fatalities due to lightning in the U.S. from 2006-2013 were men, according to the NOAA study's author, lightning safety specialist John Jensenius.

This percentage is fairly constant for individual years, according to Jensenius, ranging from 73 percent male in 2011 to 89 percent male in 2007 and 2012.

Not surprisingly, June, July and August are the deadliest months for lightning, accounting for 70 percent of lightning deaths from 2006-2013. This makes sense, given thunderstorms are most numerous in the summer, and more people spend more time outside during this three-month period.

Jensenius found that almost two-thirds of the 261 lightning deaths occurred while people were engaged in recreational outdoor activities, including sports, beach activities and camping. Another 32 percent of lightning fatalities occurred while people were working or taking care of various outdoor tasks, including yard work, construction or walking to or from home.

Contrary to popular belief and a famous 1980 Harold Ramis comedy, golf is not the outdoor activity most prone to lightning deaths. Fishing led to almost four times as many lightning fatalities as golf, according to the study,


Lightning deaths have been on a precipitous decline since the mid 20th century.

Prior to 1974, annual lightning death tolls regularly topped 100. In 2013, lightning claimed 23 lives in the U.S., a record low and an almost 90 percent reduction from 1950 (219).

But lightning fatalities are thought to be underreported, and an estimated 90 percent of lightning strike victims survive, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

How do you avoid becoming a victim? Being aware of the forecast, recognizing the threat, acting quickly and using common sense should keep you out of harm's way.

  • Be aware. Check your local forecast before heading outdoors. Is there a thunderstorm icon with a "__ percent chance" of rain mentioned? Know, then, that thunderstorms could disrupt your plans. If there isn't safe shelter available, you may consider cancelling if the thunderstorm chance is high.
  • Check your smartphone/tablet. Download The Weather Channel for your smartphone or tablet. If you're in range of wireless service, check the radar occasionally to see if thunderstorms are developing or heading toward your area.
  • Hear thunder? Act quickly. Get indoors or inside a metal vehicle. You're in danger of being struck if you can hear thunder, even if the thunderstorm is 10 miles away. Finishing up the front lawn or that round of golf can wait.
  • Avoid corded electrical equipment and plumbing. Lightning can be conducted through wiring or plumbing, even if you're in an otherwise substantial building.
  • Wait it out until 30 minutes after you hear the last clap of thunder.

"For many of the lightning victims, safe shelters were available," Jensenius writes in his study. "However, the victims simply did not act soon enough to get to safety."

See darkening skies and hear thunder? Get indoors immediately.

You can read the full NOAA lightning fatality study for more details.

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