4 Dangers of Heavy, Wet Snow |

Winter Storm

4 Dangers of Heavy, Wet Snow


At a Glance

  • Heavy, wet snow is more dangerous than you may think.
  • It can lead to heart attacks while shoveling, power outages and roof damage.

Heavy, wet snow is not only a pain to shovel and dangerous to drive on, it's also a health hazard and can damage your home.

Frequently during early- and late-season winter storms – say, in November and March – snow may be heavier and wetter than it typically would be in December, January or February. This has a lot to do with air temperatures near the surface of the Earth.

(MORE: Winter Storm Central)

There is typically less cold air for a winter storm to work with early and late in the season, yielding surface temperatures closer to freezing or sometimes even above freezing as snow falls. This causes snowflakes to partially melt before reaching the ground, leading to heavier and wetter snow.

Heavy, wet snow has a low snow-to-liquid ratio, as low as 5-to-1, meaning for every 5 inches of snow, there is a 1-inch liquid equivalent. Mid-winter snowstorms with colder air near the surface, in the 20s or even teens, may have a snow-to-liquid ratio of 10-to-1 to as high as 20-to-1, since melting isn't occurring before the snowflakes reach the ground.

Lake-effect snow typically has snow-to-liquid ratios of 25-to-1 or 30-to-1, depending how cold the air is that's flowing over the lake.

(MORE: Snow Ratios: An Important Role in Snowfall Forecasting)

Factors affecting snow ratios.
(National Weather Service/Aberdeen, South Dakota)

The higher the snow-to-liquid ratio, the lighter and fluffier the snow, making it much easier to shovel. The opposite is true for heavy, wet snow.

Here are some of the dangers associated with this type of snowfall.

Heart Attacks

Heavy, wet snow is sometimes referred to as "heart-attack snow." Shoveling it can trigger heart attacks in individuals with heart problems.

About 100 people – mostly men – die during or just after shoveling snow in the United States every year, according to a blog post by Dr. Robert H. Shmerling of Harvard Medical School, citing a study from the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

Men shovel out their car stuck in the snow on Jan. 4, 2018, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, during Winter Storm Grayson.
(Mark Makela/Getty Images)

The study found that deeper snow led to an increase in both hospitalizations and deaths due to heart attacks in men. The same was true for the length of time it snowed. Longer-duration snow events led to higher rates of heart attack and related deaths for men.

Not all of the people studied knew they had heart disease or other risk factors, including smoking or high blood pressure, and some had no cardiovascular risk factors at all.

Therefore, if you can avoid doing so, don't shovel heavy, wet snow if you think you may be at risk of a heart attack. Hire someone to clear your driveway and sidewalk for you, or ask if a healthy family member would be willing to do you a favor.

Power Outages

While any accumulating snowfall can weigh down tree branches, wet snow has a high water content. It's heavier and can put extra stress on trees. Add strong winds that are frequently found during snowstorms, and the stress on trees is even greater.


Any trees or tree branches that break from the weight of the snow have the potential to fall onto power lines. The end result: You're without power.

Limbs laden with ice and snow like this one in the Chic's Beach neighborhood of Virginia Beach caused minor damage to homes Thursday, Jan. 4, 2018, in Virginia Beach, Virginia, during Winter Storm Grayson.
(Steve Earley/The Virginian-Pilot via AP)

Being without power during a snowstorm can be bad, especially if you need electricity to heat your home. Without heat, not only will you be uncomfortable, but you could end up with frozen pipes. Burst pipes can lead to thousands of dollars in damages.

"If the power may be out for a prolonged period, plan to go to another location, such as the home of a relative or friend, or a public facility that has heat," according to the New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES).

The DHSES provides many important steps that should be taken to prepare for an outage and during an outage on this website.

Roof Damage

If too much snow piles up on your roof, it can become damaged or even cave in.

Most roofs should be able to support 20 pounds per square foot of snow before they become stressed, the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) said.

However, in parts of New England and mountainous areas throughout the U.S., snow loads may be higher and roofs may be able to support a greater amount of snow.

Using a snow-to-liquid ratio of 10-to-1, 10 inches of snow is equal to 1 inch of water, or about 5 pounds per square foot of roof space. This means you could have up to 4 feet of new snow before your roof will become stressed, the IBHS added.

Last March during Winter Storm Stella, some residents in central New York were seen shoveling their roofs after 2 to 4 feet of snow fell across the area.

Of course, only shovel your roof if you can do so safely. Hire a professional if you are unable to do it on your own.

Dangerous Travel Conditions

This should go without saying, but any accumulating snow can lead to dangerous travel conditions due to slippery roads for vehicles and slick runways for airplanes.

(MORE: The Dangers of Light Snow)

It's best to stay home until the snow stops and road crews have a chance to plow or salt the roads. If you must travel, drive slowly and give yourself plenty of extra time.

But there is one good thing about heavy, wet snow: It's great for building snowmen or having a serious snowball fight. Perhaps that'll keep your kids occupied while you do the dirty work of shoveling.

Brian Donegan is a meteorologist at Follow him on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

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