When Spring's Last Snow Typically Happens (INTERACTIVE) | The Weather Channel

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When Spring's Last Snow Typically Happens (INTERACTIVE)

Click on each star to reveal average and record latest spring (or summer) snow dates for each location. Colors of each star icon correspond to the month of the season's last snow (Green = March; Blue = April; Purple = May; Red = June or July) Data courtesy NWS-NOWDATA.

By spring, the sight of a blanket of snow may cause more aggravation among the snow-fatigued, instead of the excitement it generated in October or November.

(MORE: Where March and April are the Snowiest Months)

We scoured National Weather Service records to compile both the average date of the final measurable (at least 0.1 inch) snow of the spring, and also the date of the latest spring accumulating snow on record. In some locations, that record latest date was in the summer.

(MORE: Extreme Winter Storms That Struck in Spring | Record Late-Season Snowfalls)


Click on the interactive map above to find out when you can usually put away the shovel or snowthrower for the season.


  • We only plotted cities and locations whose average last measurable snow of the season occurs in March or later. As a result, among cities not plotted was our nation's capital (average date of last snow of the season is Feb. 24). 
  • Since accumulating graupel or hail is also officially classified as snow in daily and monthly climate reports, we made every effort to quality check each "latest snow" record, removing those dates when temperatures were clearly too warm for snow, on which hail likely fell instead.

Jonathan Erdman is a senior meteorologist at and has been an incurable weather geek since a tornado narrowly missed his childhood home in Wisconsin at age 7. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter, and check out The Weather Channel podcast on iOS, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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