America's Vanishing Roadside Rest Stops (PHOTOS) | The Weather Channel

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America's Vanishing Roadside Rest Stops (PHOTOS)

When President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956,  creating the Interstate Highway System, it was called the greatest public works project in history. Revolutionizing road travel and creating a standard for U.S. highway travel, Eisenhower, acording to the U.S. Department of Transportation, considered it one of his most important achievements during his two terms as president. 

The one element of design that remained within the jurisdiction of each state, however, was rest stop design. "States really took advantage of that and used the best architects and designers, and their creativity, to design stops that represented the different regions of their state and their cultural and historical significance," photographer Ryann Ford told

(MORE: 50 States, 50 Abandoned Places Across America)

Ford has traveled the U.S. documenting America's rest stops for the past five years. These locations are quickly vanishing as chain drive-thrus and gas stations appear at nearly every exit. Budget cuts during the resession caused upkeep of traditional rest stops to fall by the wayside. With so many convenient options, rest stops have become somewhat obscolete.


"When I moved to Texas eight years ago, and started noticing these old stops set out on gorgeous minimalist landscapes, I was instantly inspired," Ford shared. "There are tables shaded by faux oil rigs, teepees and wagon wheels, and geometric shapes echoing classic mid-century design. They are a really great example of Americana."

Ford has documented over 75 locations across the U.S. Her book, Last Stop: Vanishing Rest Stops of the American Roadside is available here

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