Rainbow Glow on a Frozen Niagara Falls (PHOTOS) | The Weather Channel


Rainbow Glow on a Frozen Niagara Falls (PHOTOS)

Photographer Adam Klekotka stood in freezing temperatures to capture a stunning view of Niagara Falls, frozen and illuminated by colorful lights. (Adam Klekotka)
Photographer Adam Klekotka stood in freezing temperatures to capture a stunning view of Niagara Falls, frozen and illuminated by colorful lights. (Adam Klekotka)

Most of us find an excuse to stay inside when the temperatures drop to freezing, but not photographer Adam Klekotka.

The 32-year-old Polish photographer recently moved to Toronto, Canada, two years ago and visited Niagara Falls a few times, but always during sunny days in the summer.

“We had about two weeks of the extreme cold weather in January,” Klekotka told “When I heard that Canada was colder than Antarctica and even colder than the surface of Mars, I knew it was a perfect opportunity to see the falls for the first time in winter and the first time at night.”

The opportunity surely was perfect. At night, colorful lights shine throughout the waterfall. That alone would be a worthy sight to see, but what Klekota saw was better.

“The entire place around the falls was covered with ice,” he said.


What he captured was a rainbow glow illuminated on a completely frozen Niagara Falls, something you’d see in a sci-fi movie about an alien planet.

“It looked like a wonderland or a different planet to me.”

As excited as he was, Klekotka had to endure harsh winter conditions to get his stunning shots. “It was about [four below zero], but felt like it was even colder due to the strong wind and high humidity,” Klekotka said.

“When I took my camera out and took the first shot, I was really happy with the results, even though my hands were really frostbitten.”

For more of Klekotka's work, visit his website and Instagram

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