Alien Textures and Shapes on Frozen Lake Balaton (PHOTOS) | The Weather Channel


Alien Textures and Shapes on Frozen Lake Balaton (PHOTOS)

Photographer Peter Orban recently visited a frozen Lake Balaton in Hungary, capturing alien-like shapes and textures seen on the slightly melting surface. (Peter Orban)
Photographer Peter Orban recently visited a frozen Lake Balaton in Hungary, capturing alien-like shapes and textures seen on the slightly melting surface. (Peter Orban)

Peter Orban’s career in photography began as a hobby. The 31-year-old freelance photographer who currently lives in Balatonrendes, Hungary, picked up a camera 16 years ago. “In the first six years, I was a point-and-shoot type of photographer,” Orban told But he eventually made the change to using a DSLR camera and began learning different techniques. For the past two years he has transitioned to working as a professional photographer full time.

He continued to explore the range of photography by dabbling in aerial images too. “I was always mesmerized by the aerial pictures, especially where textures are,” Orban said. Aerial photography is more accessible now than ever, with the introduction of smaller drones that can fold into camera bags.

Recently, Orban visited Lake Balaton to explore the textures of the frozen lake from above. “There is always an order in the nature, you just have to look hard,” he said.


To prepare for aerial shoots, Orban checks the weather forecast for the day, making note of the wind and humidity. “Sometimes, this is still not enough,” he said. On one of his trips out to the frozen lake, his drone dropped to the ice, 2,500 feet from the shore. “This was the result of the moisture in the air and the low temperature,” he said. Though the lake was frozen, it began to melt, which made for a unique canvas for finding shapes and textures on the ice.

Despite the complications between technology and the weather conditions, Orban managed to capture stunning shots that look like abstract works of art. Working with a drone elevates the possibility of capturing things that would otherwise be difficult, but there are still creative parameters to the medium. “I like the new perspectives what a drone can give to me, but I don’t like that I can’t be part of the actions,” he said.

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