11 Phenomena You Have To See In Spring |


Spring-nomena: 11 Incredible Phenomena You Have To See In Spring

Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve in the Mojave Desert is home to one of the largest and most dependable bloom of orange California poppies each spring. (James Randklev via Getty Images)

1​. Wildflowers across the United States

Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve in the Mojave Desert is home to one of the largest and most dependable bloom of orange California poppies each spring. (James Randklev via Getty Images)

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Mother Nature is full of surprises every changing season. Check out these amazing phenomena best seen during the spring months, from the blooming of gorgeous flowers across the U.S. and Japan to awe-inspiring animal migrations.

(​MORE: 10 Places You Have To See In March)

1​. Wildflowers across the United States

Of course, the arrival of spring is most famously marked by the blooming of wildflowers across the country, from deserts to mountainscapes. Just 40 miles from Phoenix, the Superstition Mountains burst into color with multitudes of wild Mexican poppies and Lupine each year. Meanwhile, Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve in the Mojave Desert is home to one of the largest and most dependable bloom of orange California poppies. Central and southern Texas is an ideal place to see fields blooming with bluebonnets, Texas’ state flower, and from April 1-30, 2023, Ennis, Texas, showcases over 40 miles of mapped driving bluebonnet trails, the oldest such trails known in the state. Thousands of visitors make the trek to Ennis for the Bluebonnet Festival, this year's occurring on April 14-16. In late April, Tennessee's Great Smoky Mountains National Park also blooms with over 1,500 wildflower varieties, making the park a world-renowned hotspot for wildflower pilgrimages.

2​. Aurora Australis, Mount Wellington, Tasmania

T​he southern hemisphere has its own aurora, the aurora australis. The best place to see it is as far south as you can go, so Tasmania's Mount Wellington is a great place for viewing this phenomenon. Like the aurora borealis, the southern lights are visible when electrically charged solar particles and atoms in Earth's atmosphere collide with oxygen and nitrogen. While this aurora does occur year-round, it's at its most spectacular from March through September, which is the southern hemisphere's fall and winter.

3. Gray Whale Migration, Pacific Coast of the United States

In early spring, gray whales and their calves can be seen migrating by the Big Sur coastline and past Oregon and Washington. These animals, which can grow up to 45 feet long and weigh as much as 33 tons, head north from Mexico to their summer feeding grounds in the Arctic in the Bering, Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, where they eat small crustaceans and tubeworms.

This season is a great time for animal-lovers to go whale-watching, since during the northern migration, the whales tend to swim close to shore.

4​. Casa Rinconada Celestial Alignment, Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico

O​n the spring equinox (March 20 - 21), this southwestern park hosts a spectacular display. The ancient great kiva, or round structure, possibly used as a community gathering space, was built by the Chacoan people with two doors situated exactly on the north-south axis. The equinox sun rises in the center of the two doors. Casa Rinconada is the largest structure of its kind. Be sure to check in advance to see if the park is offering any ranger-led talks when you visit so that you can learn more about Chaco culture.

5. Cherry Blossoms, Japan

Cherry blossoms, or sakura, bloom across Japan between late March through early April. Millions of locals and international tourists turn out each year to admire these beautiful light pink and white flowers. The blooms begin in Okinawa and peak in Kyoto and Tokyo. Visitors can time their trips perfectly to see the blooms, which last about a week. This week's bloom is expected to begin earlier than average, around March 23, according to

Some of the sakura trees are over a thousand years old, according to NPR, such as the 39-feet-tall Miharu Takizakura tree in the Fukushima prefecture, the Usuzumi Sakura tree in Moyosu that was planted by Japanese Emperor Keitai, and the sakura tree in Yamanashi Prefecture’s Jindaizakura, which is between 1,800 - 2,000 years old, making it Japan's oldest cherry tree, and perhaps the oldest in the world.

I​f you can't make it to Japan, Washington, D.C., is home to a spectacular cherry blossom display every spring as well. The trees were sent by Japan in 1912 as a gift of friendship.

6​. Spring Surfing, Central America


Central America is one of the best places to go surfing in spring. The season marks the arrival of the first south swells of the year, and even slight southern swells can produce incredible surf that can be enjoyed in such places as El Salvador, Panama and Costa Rica.

C​entral America has coastline on both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, making for more than 1,100 miles of shore. According to, there's not a location in Central America that's more than 125 miles from a wave.

7​. Synchronous Fireflies, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, North Carolina and Tennessee

F​or a brief period of time from late May to mid-June, fireflies light up in unison rather than emitting the intermittent twinkle with which most people are familiar. T​he synchronized flashes are a mating signal, and according to the National Park Service, the males of synchronous fireflies (Photinus carolinus) flash in unison so that the females, who flash in response, can be sure they're responding to their kind, rather that another firefly species, some of which are predatory. These types of fireflies only exist in a few areas of the world, and one of those spots is Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

T​he spectacle has become quite popular, so parking passes are given away by lottery, and entry to the park is limited during the firefly display. The lottery's estimated opening is April 28, 2023.

8. Baby Wild Animals, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Spring is a great time for wildlife viewing in Yellowstone National Park because visitors have a greater chance of spotting a range of new baby animals, including black bear cubs, bighorn lambs (usually born in May), elk and bison calves, baby pronghorn antelope and gray wolf cubs.

Visitors are advised to keep their distance from these animals as the animal mothers are defensive of their young. Still, the season’s little critters make for a great photo opportunity, even from afar.

9​. Spring Butterfly Migration, Mexico and the United States

As warm temperatures arrive, monarch butterflies who flew south in the fall become more active and start to breed. This marks the start of their northern migration back to North America. Female monarchs leave their wintering sites and fly north and east in the search of milkweed plants on which to lay their eggs before they die, according to MonarchWatch. This usually occurs in the southern states.

Soon after, the first spring caterpillars hatch, then metamorphose into butterflies, then resume the northern migration.

10. Sandhill Crane Migration, Nebraska

The arrival of the cranes on Nebraska’s Platte River - along with millions of other migratory birds such as ducks and geese - is one of the country's greatest wildlife spectacles. About 80% of the world’s population of sandhill cranes descend on the area each spring, covering vast expanses of sky with millions of flapping wings.

The first birds arrive as early as late February or early March and leave in mid-April, after they have rested and restored their body weight.

1​1. See A Serpent Crawl Up The Pyramid At Chichen Itza, Mexico

A​nother spring equinox phenomenon exists at Mexico's Chichen Itza. During the morning and afternoon, the sunlight creates a shadow that looks like a serpent slithering up and down the the stairs of the Temple of the Pyramid Kukulkan, also known as El Castillo, or The Castle. This minutes-long display is one of the main attractions of this Mayan archaeological site, with more than 25,000 people attending each year, according to

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A man walks along the famous Dark Hedges avenue of trees in Antrim, Northern Ireland. This famous tunnel-liked avenue of intertwined beech trees was planted in the 18th-century. (Charles McQuillan/Getty Images)

Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

A man walks along the famous Dark Hedges avenue of trees in Antrim, Northern Ireland. This famous tunnel-liked avenue of intertwined beech trees was planted in the 18th-century. (Charles McQuillan/Getty Images)

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