Abandoned Basketball Hoops Across America (PHOTOS) | The Weather Channel


Abandoned Basketball Hoops Across America (PHOTOS)

Photographer Rob Hammer traveled across America to capture the stories behind basketball hoops. (Rob Hammer)
Photographer Rob Hammer traveled across America to capture the stories behind basketball hoops. (Rob Hammer)

“Basketball is everywhere,” photographer Rob Hammer, 37, told “No matter where you go in see the sport being enjoyed by everyone. No matter how far off the grid you go, there is a basketball hoop.”

“The Basketball Hoops Project” reveals the expansive popularity of basketball as a sport across America. Some hoops shine with clean plexiglass and steel while others are made with an old crate attached to an aging piece of plywood.

Hammer’s passion for basketball stemmed from his fanship for the Boston Celtics. “My mother raised me on Celtics basketball,” he said. “Not completely sure what I like about it, but basketball is one of those things that is fun to play even if you’re not great at it.”

With that, he traveled around America in search of unique hoops that tell stories or remind viewers of their own stories. “I’ve been shooting this project for over four years now and have traveled somewhere in the hundreds of thousands of miles during ongoing cross country road trips.” Rather than venturing to big cities, Hammer found that small towns—the ones that most people have never heard of—told the best stories.

“When I look at these images I wonder what has happened on those courts,” he said. “What kind of hoop dreams got started here? What did the courts do for the kids who played there? Did they provide a start to anyone who eventually made it to the pros? Hopefully viewers wonder something similar to that or maybe [they] just bring back good memories of playing basketball.”


Photographs of just a basketball hoop alone wouldn’t be interesting, though. Throughout his travels, Hammer was conscious of not only finding great light, but elements that would produce a dramatic composition. “I have no use for “beautiful” in the typical sense,” he said. “Give me something gritty and I’m happy.”

The weather helped Hammer achieve that grit. “Blank, blue skies are boring, but bring a little weather into the scenario and the images will have a much larger impact,” he said. “The weather can play such a huge factor into the outcome of the images.”

“Weather, in all its different forms, can provide a mood. I’m always looking for a mood in these images.”

For more of Rob Hammer’s work, visit his website.


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