17 Eerie Ghost Towns Around the World (PHOTOS) | The Weather Channel


17 Eerie Ghost Towns Around the World (PHOTOS)

It doesn't take long for nature and the elements to overtake the cities and towns humans have built. In an interview with Living on Earth, Alan Weisman, the author of the bestselling nonfiction book The World Without Us, described what would happen if humans no longer existed. In a house without people, "suddenly no one is there in fighting off mold, keeping the insects out, keeping the mice out, keeping the woodpeckers out, keeping the water out," Weisman said. In ghost towns around the world, nature has picked up where humans left off, slowly bringing down cement and iron constructions or filling in homes with water or sand. Whether people leave because of natural disasters or man-made ones, the outcome is usually the same: the town falls apart.

(MORE: Abandoned America—Creepy, Abandoned Places in Every State)

1. St. Thomas, Nevada

Within the boundaries of Lake Mead National Recreation Area in Nevada, lies the ghost town of St. Thomas. The town, which was once a Mormon settlement and a stopping point between Los Angeles and Salt Lake City along the Arrowhead Trail, was abandoned in 1930s after the construction of the Hoover Dam caused the Colorado River to rise—the area was submerged in 60 feet of water when Lake Mead first filled up. But because of the severe drought that has gripped the Western United States and caused the lowered water levels of Lake Mead, eerie remnants of the ghost town can now be seen, according to the National Park Service. St. Thomas lies in the northern part of the park near the Overton Arm along the Muddy River, which feeds into Lake Mead. Visitors can use the dirt trail leading to the town site from the parking area.

2. St. Elmo, Colorado

Located in Chaffee County in Colorado’s Sawatch Mountain Range, St. Elmo is a well-preserved ghost town, originally settled in 1880 after gold and silver were discovered in the area. The town faded by the 1930s, according to, after the mining industry declines and the railroad was closed. Today, St. Elmo is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Visitors to the ghost town can shop in the seasonal General Store, rent four-wheelers or camp in the nearby San Isabel National Forest campgrounds

3. Kennecott, Alaska

Kennecott is an early 20th century copper mining town located in the largest national park in the country, the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve. The town was a self-contained company town that produced early $200 million worth of copper between 1911 and 1938, according to the National Park Service. Kennecott had a hospital, general store, school, skating rink, tennis court, recreation hall and dairy, but the mill town became tapped out and was too remote to survive, reports Travel & Leisure

4. Animas Forks, Colorado

Situated at 11,000 feet in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado, the little town of Animas Forks was once a gold and silver mining town built in the 1870s. Today, the ghost town, abandoned in the 1920s, is a popular tourist destination since several of the old cabin-style buildings, including a small jail, can be visited. The best way to reach the ghost town is by four-wheeler, reports Travel & Leisure, because it is located in off-roading country.

5. Rhyolite, Nevada

Just northeast of Death Valley National Park sits Rhyolite, a short-lived boom-town from the late Gold Rush era. Founded in 1904 after gold was discovered amongst quartz in local mines, the town grew so quickly that by 1906, it had the largest population of any settlement nearby, reports Atlas Obscura. Buildings sprung up quickly in town, including several hotels, a stock exchange and Board of Trade, a school, ice plant, two electric plants and even a miner’s union hospital, according to the National Park Service. However, the town fell apart almost just as quickly as it had grown, reports the mine closed in 1911 and by 1920, the town was abandoned.

Today, visitors can tour the remains of the town, which include the walls of the 3-story bank building, part of the old jail and the preserved train depot. There are also a number of art installations, including a "ghost rider," scattered around the ghost town as part of the Goldwell Open Air Museum, according to Atlas Obscura.

6. Salton Riviera, California

The Salton Riviera lies on the shore of an accidental lake in California named the Salton Sea, which was created when Colorado River swelled and breached its levees in 1905. In the 1950s and 60s, the shoreline of this new lake – the largest in the state - was a booming tourist attraction, that, according to VICE, would regularly attracted over half a million visitors a year.

However, by the late 1970s, the ecosystem this so-called “miracle in the desert” began to collapse, according to Slate, as the water became increasingly saltier, polluted with pesticides and depleted in oxygen. Fish began dying in droves and their smell drove the tourists and residents out of town – a smell that is still present today. 

7. Goldfield, Arizona

Goldfield is one of the most popular and touristy ghost towns in the southwest. Located just outside Phoenix at the foothills of the Superstition Mountains, this mining town dates back to the 1890s when gold was first discovered in the area. Goldfield sported three saloons, a boarding house, general store, blacksmith shop, brewery, post office, and school. It was home to about 4000 residents in its heyday, reports The town was abandoned after the gold vein faulted and the grade of ore dropped, according to Goldfield’s official website. The town was dead by the mid-1920s.

Today, the ghost town is a family-friendly attraction, reports Lonely Planet, featuring daily Old West gunfights, several gift shops and a museum to keep its modern visitors occupied. 

8. Kayaköy, Turkey

Nestled against the Taurus Mountains in the Kaya valley lie the deserted ruins of Kayaköy, or Rock Village, abandoned in the 1920s for political reasons. The town was the inspiration for Louis de Berniere’s 2004 novel, “Birds Without Wings,” reports Exclusive Escapes. Once a bustling town called Karmylassos in Greek, Kayakoy was originally built in the 1700s, according to Atlas Obscura. It was once home to both Anatolian Muslims and Greek Orthodox Christians, who had lived together in peace, reports the BBC, but after the messy conclusion of World War I and the Greco-Turkish War of 1919-1924, violence and retribution broke out. In 1923, the Turkish and Greek governments agreed to a mutual compulsory population exchange that began in 1923 to end the bloodshed, according to Atlas Obscura.

Today, the 350 Kayaköy homes, two Greek Orthodox Churches, fountains and cisterns are all abandoned and mostly roofless, because reports the travel website, harsh winters and strong winds have stripped the buildings down to ruins. 

9. UFO Houses in Sanzhi, Taiwan


The UFO houses of Sanzhi, named for their odd shape, were abandoned just a few years after their construction. According to France24, the owner went bankrupt before completing the homes, which were meant to be a tourist destination on the coast. There are also rumors that the construction came to a halt because thousands of skeletons were found at the site, and that it was the scene of several murders, reported the Taipei Times. Although these rumors were never substantiated, the eerie, empty buildings became popular with tourists and photographers, such as the Taiwanese photographer Cypherone. But the Taipei County Government demolished the site in 2008 and 2009 in order to use the site for a new development project, laying to rest all of the ghost stories, said the Taipei Times.

10. Deception Island, Antarctica

One place where nature has conspired against human habitation is an island off the coast of Antarctica. Although Deception Island is one of the safest harbors in Antarctica and a popular tourist destination, the fact that it's the caldera of an active volcano makes it a precarious location for permanent habitation. According to a management plan by the Antarctic Treaty System, a Norwegian captain began whaling off Deception Island in 1906 and Whalers Bay became a safe anchorage for ships processing whale blubber. Later, a cemetery was established and a whaling station that operated until 1931 was constructed. The United Kingdom also established Base B in part of the abandoned whale station in 1943, but it was abandoned in 1969 after a volcanic eruption destroyed much of the facility. 

11. Kolmanskop, Namibia

When a railway worker discovered diamond in the sand near Kolmanskop (also spelled Kolmannskuppe) in 1908, it sparked a diamond rush that led to a bustling town being erected in the Namib Desert. According to the Cardboard Box, a travel company in Namibia, Kolmanskop declined after World War I when diamond prices plummeted. More than 1,000 people were living in the town at the time, and they left behind dozens of empty buildings and shops. Today the sands of the Namib Desert have reclaimed the town, pouring into houses and filling them almost to the ceiling. The town has become a popular tourist destination for those who want to see how quickly nature can consume cities. 

12. Bodie, California

In 1859, two gold seekers came upon a huge strike in the Bodie Hills that amounted to millions in gold and silver. Unfortunately, one of the miners froze to death in a blizzard that winter, his death perhaps foreshadowing the future of the mines. According to the California State Parks, a gold rush in the 1870s led to the town of Bodie growing to 8,500 people and more than 2,000 buildings. But by 1881 the mines were depleted and the population was shrinking. In 1892, a fire destroyed part of the town, and another fire in 1932 destroyed almost everything left, with only about 10 percent of Bodie still standing. Today tourists can visit the decaying houses and dusty shops that remain.

13. Varosha, Cyprus

The Varosha quarter in Famagusta, Cyprus was once a fabulous, palm-tree lined tour destination. Hundreds of hotels, houses and businesses catered to visitors and the residents, but the area has been fenced off since 1974, when the Turkish invasion of Cyprus occurred. According to The Independent, a British newspaper, "Varosha is a snake- and rat-infested no man's land overrun by cacti." The luxurious hotels that once catered to the likes of Elizabeth Taylor are crumbling into ruins. None of the residents have ever returned, and the only people allowed entry into the district are Turkish Armed Forces personnel, although the occasional intrepid trespasser makes it past the fences, according to the New York Times.

14. Prypiat, Ukraine

Once the home of 50,000 people, Prypiat was evacuated on April 26, 1986 after an explosion at Chernobyl nuclear power plant caused a radiation leak. Prypiat shows no visible effects of the nuclear disaster, but the decaying city is still eerie. Tourists, mostly Europeans, head to the ghost town every year to witness the crumbling buildings and rusting metal amusement park. According to NBC, tourists have to be tested for radiation after visiting the park, although levels are low enough to be harmless in most of Prypiat.

15. Hashima Island, Japan

The tiny island of Hashima (also known as Gunkanjima, "Battleship" Island) was once the most densely populated place on Earth. Sitting nine miles off the coast of Japan, it was home to thousands of Japanese coal workers who worked there from the late 1800s until 1974, when the coal ran out. In an interview with The World, Swedish filmmaker Thomas Nordanstad described how quickly the island emptied out.

"They left coffee cups on the tables, and bicycles leaning against the walls," Nordanstad said.

The island is off-limits to visitors, but that hasn't stopped people from trying to get it recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

16. Craco, Italy

Craco, Italy, a medieval city that dates back to 1000 A.D., withstood hundreds of years of the elements beating down on it before collapsing in a landslide in 1991. According to the World Monuments Fund, the Normans used it as an outpost centuries ago. It's location atop a high hill continued to make it an ideal site, and in 1630 a permanent monastic order was established. But throughout the 20th century, a series of earthquakes forced most of the population to abandon the town. Craco can be visited by tourists as long as they're willing to risk getting caught in another earthquake. 

17. Holland Island, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland

Chesapeake Bay is speckled with small islands, and for years Holland Island had one of the largest populations, with more than 360 people in 1910. there were more than 60 homes and other buildings, but for decades the island has been sinking into the surrounding waters. The Washington Post reported that, "like other Chesapeake islands, [Holland Island] was made of silt and clay, not rock, so its land eroded readily." The last remaining house on the disintegrating island crumbled into the water in 2010, leaving little evidence behind of the fishermen that once lived there.

This article was originally created June 18, 2013 and updated February 15, 2016.

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