Best Places to See Wildlife from the Water (PHOTOS) | The Weather Channel


Best Places to See Wildlife from the Water (PHOTOS)

Sometimes the best way to see wildlife is from the water. So whether you are looking to swim, snorkel, dive, cage-dive or kayak near wild marine animals, here are 10 of the best places around the world to see animals in the water. 

1. Sharks and Rays - Shark Ray Alley, Belize

Located in the Hol Chan Marine Reserve, Shark Ray Alley is a shallow, sandy-bottomed area one mile off the coast of Belize. It is home to an abundance of nurse sharks and stingrays that gather there.  Local fishermen used to clean their nets in the area, reports Amusing Planet, and the nurse sharks would be attracted to the small scraps off fish that would fall off the nets. Today, it has become a tourist attraction, and the sharks and rays have learned to recognize the sound of dive boats so swarm as they approach. The creatures are used to divers and snorkelers, so will swim nearby. 

2. Manatees - Crystal Springs, Florida

Established in 1983, the Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge, was dedicated specifically to the protection of the endangered West Indian manatee. The refuge is one of the few places in the country where it is legal to enter the water with them to "passively" observe them while snorkeling from a safe distance. The best time to see these animals at Crystal River is between November through early March, when the animals are wintering in the warm freshwater springs. If you do not want to swim with the "sea cows," visitors are also welcome to kayak the springs or take a guided boat tour. 

3. Beluga Whales – Churchill, Manitoba

Starting in July, visitors to Churchill, Canada, have the opportunity to see wild beluga whales up close. Belugas are nicknamed “sea canaries” for their strange high-pitched whistles and chirps, and every year around this time, as many as 3,000 of them visit the Churchill area to birth their calves. The white whales are calm natured and interactive, according to Travel Manitoba, meaning that travelers can get very close to them. In fact, several tour companies, including Churchill Wild, offer tourists the opportunity to go go kayaking besides the creatures, or even get in the water and snorkel with them. 

4. Wild Pigs – The Bahamas

There is a group of pigs that live on the sandy white beaches of the uninhabited island of Big Major Cay in the Bahamas. The tame pigs can also swim, and they have a habit of swimming out to greet visiting boats in the hope of scoring some food.  How the pigs arrived on the island is considered a bit of a mystery. It is possible that the animals were survivors of a shipwreck, escaped from another land or could have even been brought to the island by sailors to be a food source. The pigs survive because the island is protected from weather by nearby islands and it has a natural freshwater pond. In addition, tourists are always bringing food.

5. Jellyfish – Jellyfish Lake, Eil Malk Island, Palau

Jellyfish Lake on El Malk Island in Palau is home to millions of golden jellyfish that have such a mild sting, it's undetectable to humans, meaning that it is possible to swim with these strange, and beautiful creatures.  These jellyfish are unique because they follow a daily migration pattern, moving around the lake following the sun's ark in the sky, according to National Geographic. 

6. Penguins – Boulder Beach, South Africa

Boulders Beach is home to uncrowded beaches, great for swimming, that also right next to the nesting and mating grounds of a colony of African penguins. While the birds roam (and swim) freely in the area, they are actually best observed from a safe distance (such as from the boardwalks built for this purpose) because they do have sharp beaks and are known to nip at visitors if they feel threatened, according to Smithsonian Magazine. 


7. Humpback Whales – Silver Bank, Dominican Republic

Silver Bank is a relatively shallow stretch of the Carribean Sea and is a safe haven for North Atlantic humpback whales because it is off limits to large ships. It is also one of the only places in the world where humans can swim and snorkel besides gigantic humpback whales, according to CNN. 

8. Manta Rays – Kona, Hawaii

The Kona Coast of Hawaii is one of the best places in the world to see the gigantic manta rays, creatures whose wingspans can reach up to 20 feet. Several resorts and hotels in Kona offer trips and expeditions to see manta rays, according to the Hawaii Tourism Authority, and many of them even offer night diving expeditions, where spotlights are used to attract mantas that feed off the plankton illuminated by the light, who will swim very close to the divers.

9. Whale Shark – Holbox Island, Mexico

Whale sharks are gentle sharks that feet mainly on plankton, making them a safe creature to swim near. The creatures also swim near the surface when seeking food or warmth, making them easier to spot by swimmers. Whale Sharks live in tropical waters, such as off Holbox Island in Mexico, a popular destination for divers looking to swim with these gentle giants.

10. Great White Sharks – Gansbaai, South Africa

Featuring unspoilt coastline and plenty of marine wildlife, Gansbaai is one of the most popular destinations in the world to go shark-cage diving in Africa. The sharks are easily spotted in the area because of the high number of prey, such as seals and penguins, that live and breed on Dyer Island. There are several tour groups offering cage dives with these great white sharks opperating from the coast. 

11. Dolphins – Kauai, Hawaii

Spinner dolphins live in pods in the waters off Kauai, Hawaii, and can be frequently seen by visitors because they are spectacular leapers.  In fact, as their name suggests, the dolphins are frequently seen by snorkelers, kayakers and boaters from the water as they perform gymnastic "tricks." Scientists believe these leaps and spins could be be how the dolphins shoo away nearby parasites or attract a mate, according to Smithsonian Magazine. As charismatic as these animals can be, swimmers and boaters are reminded by NOAA to keep their visits short (30 mins or less) and to stay at least 50 yards away from the animals when observing them.

This article was originally published on August 15, 2015 and was updated on April 26, 2016. 

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