Sweden Just Put The Entire Country on Airbnb | The Weather Channel


Sweden Just Put The Entire Country on Airbnb

On the banks of the archipelagos in Glämsta, Sweden.
On the banks of the archipelagos in Glämsta, Sweden.
(Rachel Delia Benaim )

Campers and nature lovers: we've got your next vacation. Sweden has literally listed its entire country on Airbnb for free rentals. We’re not kidding. 

On May 22, the country’s tourism board published a video simply called “Sweden on Airbnb,” which invites people to come visit the country of all of its nature glory. 

Our initial response was: wait…what?

But go to their Airbnb page, which includes forests, archipelagos, and lakes... and lo and behold— it’s true. 

As the listing page explains, Sweden has made this plunge to honor an integral part of its culture called Allemansrätten, which is the freedom to roam. As the Airbnb listing page says


“Allemansrätten – or the freedom to roam – is a principle protected by Swedish law that gives all people the right to be free in Swedish nature. In other words, Swedish nature isn’t just a piece of land with trees and lakes and cliffs – it’s a home with all the necessities and amenities that any great home should have. It’s a place where you can eat berries from the ground, sleep under the stars, swim in the lakes and roam freely. To make this home available for everyone, Sweden has listed the entire country on Airbnb.”

So the Swedes are opening up their hearts— and their land to those who want to roam free and enjoy. “The only thing you have to pay, is respect for nature and the animals living there,” explains.

The country has listed a variety of archipelagos, forests, and stretches of nature for any visitor’s pleasure and enjoyment. In addition to nature, Sweden is home to some uniquely delicious pastries like punsch rolls, a totally rad royal palace, and social liberalism. 

Check it out:

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