Pollen count and allergy info for Alexandria, VA - The Weather Channel | weather.com
Very HighModerateVery Low

Do you know which kinds of pollen aggravate your symptoms? Here is the 3 day outlook for the worst offenders.

Tree Pollen

  • Today: High
  • Tomorrow: Moderate
  • Wednesday: Moderate

Grass Pollen

  • Today: Low
  • Tomorrow: None
  • Wednesday: None

Ragweed Pollen

  • Today: Low
  • Tomorrow: None
  • Wednesday: None
A basket with towel
To remove pollen you pick up outside, take a shower and change your clothes.
Window showing outdoor greenery
Keep your windows shut and use your AC or a HEPA purifier to filter allergens.
Basket with white towel
Learn when conditions such as the wind increase pollen levels, so you can prepare.
Physician with a patient
From medications to nasal sprays, talk to your doctor about your options.

Allergy Insights With Watson

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