5 Tips To Stay Healthy When You Have A Sick Kid |

Cold and Flu

5 Tips To Stay Healthy When You Have A Sick Kid


At a Glance

  • In addition to colds, we've had flu, COVID and RSV to deal with this winter.
  • Most young children catch eight to 10 colds a year.

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During the winter months, it can seem like our kids come down with a case of the sniffles every other week.

We do catch more colds in the winter. Scientists even recently discovered how colder temperatures can short-circuit specialized cells in the nose that attack invading viruses.

(​MORE: Too Cold To Jog? Try Stair Snacking)

This year, in addition to common colds, we've had to contend with the flu, COVID-19 and RSV.

So it would be a minor miracle if our children manage to make it to spring without any illnesses. Most young kids come down with eight to 10 bugs a year.

Here are five ways to keep yourself and the rest of your family well when one of the children is sick.


1. Teach your children to cover their nose and mouth when they sneeze or cough. One way is to cough or sneeze into their bent elbow, "like Dracula does." If they use a tissue instead, have them throw away the tissue immediately.

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2. Good hygiene is key. Make sure everyone, yourself included, is thoroughly washing their hands. Place hand sanitizer throughout the house so it can be used often.

3. Consider immune boosters for the entire family, such as zinc and vitamin C, and take them before you get sick. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is a good way to get these naturally.

4. Regularly disinfect toys and any other surfaces the sick child may have come in contact with. Keep disinfectant wipes handy. Also, get the sick child a new toothbrush as soon as they are well to avoid reinfection.

5. Take care of yourself – a sick kid can be exhausting. Get as much rest as possible. Ask a relative or friend to look after the healthy children.

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