Keeping Your Psoriasis Cool In Summer Weather |


Summer Psoriasis Care: Important Tips for Managing Your Skin In Seasonal Heat And Humidity

Managing psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis during the summer involves staying cool, using gentle skin care, and knowing what to do during common summer activities like swimming and sunbathing.

This article was medically reviewed by Tiffany Clay-Ramsey, MD, FAAD.

Smiling woman at beach with sunglasses and large hat
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Psoriasis, a skin condition affecting about 2 to 3 percent of the U.S. population, often requires careful management during the summer months. While some people experience improvements in their psoriasis due to increased natural sunlight and humidity, the warm weather and related activities can trigger flares for others. People with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis may find their joint pain and stiffness lessens, but heat and sweat can exacerbate the condition.

Let's Break It Down

To manage psoriasis during the summer, staying cool is key. Using a fan or air conditioning can help, but be mindful that air conditioning can dry out your skin. Regularly applying moisturizer can combat this dryness.

Did you know sunburn and insect bites can aggravate psoriasis? Opt for bug repellents with minimal synthetic chemicals, and consult your dermatologist for sunscreen recommendations. Choose sunscreens that are made for sensitive skin and are fragrance-free to avoid worsening your condition.

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Stay Safe Outdoors

competitive swimmers racing in their own lanes
(Thomas Barwick/Getty Images)

Swimming can be beneficial for psoriasis sufferers, depending on the water. Salt water helps remove dead skin and can improve the appearance of psoriasis. However, both salt water and chlorinated pools can dry out your skin, so it's essential to rinse off and moisturize after swimming.

Sweat is another major factor when considering how your psoriasis symptoms will fare in the summer. Wearing breathable fabrics like cotton, along with hats and sunglasses, can protect your skin from the sun and heat. Light-colored clothing is also recommended to minimize heat absorption.

Rest And Relaxation

Experts from Harvard Health note that stress is the most common cause of a psoriatic flare-up, meaning a relaxing summer vacation can do wonders for your symptoms. But, as anyone who has planned a vacation knows, preparation is crucial to avoid even more stress. Pack suitable clothing for the weather, adequate amounts of prescription medications, and over-the-counter products such as moisturizers and sunscreens. Consult with your healthcare provider about prescription refills and any specific needs for your travels.

With these tips, you can enjoy the summer while keeping your psoriasis under control.


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