The Record-Breaking Heat Isn't Just Uncomfortable – It's Killing People | The Weather Channel

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The Record-Breaking Heat Isn't Just Uncomfortable – It's Killing People

At a Glance

  • Record heat has gripped much of the Northern Hemisphere in recent days, killing several.
  • At least 44 people have died in Canada, and deaths have also been reported in the U.S.
  • The heat was also blamed for a massive blackout in Azerbaijan, the country's largest since 1991.

At least three heat-related deaths have been reported in the United States and the death toll rapidly rose beyond 30 in Canada as a brutal heat wave set records and gripped much of the Northern Hemisphere for days.

Officials confirmed at least 44 deaths in Quebec as the Canadian province was left sweltering in the heat wave for days, according to CBC News. In Montreal, a maximum temperature of 97.9 degrees Fahrenheit was recorded Monday, marking a new all-time high for the city since records began 147 years ago.

In Montreal, where 28 of those deaths were reported, there's great concern that this heat wave could be as deadly as a 2010 extreme heat event which killed 106. City leaders are urging residents to keep an eye on neighbors as the sweltering heat persists.

"I'm counting on Montrealers to knock on doors, maybe of a neighbor, just to find out if the person is okay. It's a team effort," Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante told reporters, as reported by CBC News.

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At a nursing home in Perth, Ontario, elderly patients say there's no air conditioning in their rooms, and they told CBC News they couldn't bear the stifling heat in their rooms as temperatures soared into the upper 80s outside. They were told the building's electrical systems wouldn't be able to handle portable air conditioners, so they were not allowed at the facility.

"They needed to get out of there because dad was getting sick," Ruth Sirman, whose parents live at the nursing home, told CBC News. "The day I brought them home he was vomiting from heat stress."

Democratic Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., center, is helped away from a news conference at Englewood Fire Department headquarters in Englewood, New Jersey, Tuesday, July 3, 2018.
(Mitsu Yasukawa/The Record via AP)


Because there's no law that the bedrooms must be air-conditioned – only some common rooms must be cooled, according to provincial law – Sirman said she will not take her parents back to the facility until temperatures drop.

In the U.S., at least three deaths in the Northeast have been blamed on the heat and two more in Kansas City might also be heat-related, CBS News reported. On Monday, Burlington, Vermont, failed to drop below 80 degrees for the first time on record.


The heat also overcame a U.S. congressman in New Jersey during an event Tuesday in Bergen County. said U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. nearly collapsed at the Englewood Fire Department headquarters and had to be taken to an air-conditioned room and was given water.

"Congressman Pascrell is doing fine and resting comfortably," Pascrell spokesman Stephen Tighe told after the event. "He is being kept for observation after suffering from heat exhaustion."

Across the pond, parts of Europe continue to bake in a lengthy heat wave that even helped spark a wildfire in the moorlands of northern England, where 120 firefighters have been dispatched, according to the AP.

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Into far eastern Europe, the prolonged heat stressed the power grid in Azerbaijan, and on Tuesday, it gave out, causing a massive blackout, the AP also reported. Officials said it was the worst power outage the country had seen since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the report added.

Eduardo Velev cools off in the spray of a fire hydrant during a heat wave on July 1, 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
(Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images)

The outage lasted several hours, and another blackout occurred in some areas Tuesday night, the AP also said. Both blackouts struck the capital, Baku, which set an all-time record of 108.9 degrees during the heat wave.

In southeastern Asia, as temperatures rose into the triple-digits, hundreds more Vietnam citizens than usual were hospitalized with heat-related illnesses in recent days, according to the Xinhua News Agency. The country's northern and central regions have suffered most from the blazing heat, the report added.

The heat has also stretched into Siberia, where fire season has ramped up again. In satellite images captured earlier this week, heavy smoke over a 1,250-mile stretch of the region can be clearly seen as temperatures soared as much as 40 degrees above average, according to Earther.

Heavy smoke from wildfires, labeled with red dots, are seen in Siberia in this image taken Wednesday, July 4, 2018.
(NASA Worldview)

If the ash from the wildfires blows north and lands on ice, it could accelerate melting, the report added, as was the case in 2012 when Siberian fires aided in the largest Greenland ice melt on record.

And even in areas that haven't seen an abnormal amount of sun and heat, the pattern has still been a problem. In Iceland, residents say the persistent rainy weather they've experienced since the heat wave began to their south is getting very old, and forecasters say it was the island's gloomiest May and June since at least 1914, they told the AP.

"It's the other side of the heat wave token," Iceland meteorologist Trausti Jonsson told the AP. "The people of Reykjavik are paying for the sunshine in England and southern Scandinavia."

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