When First 90-Degree Temperatures Usually Happen | Weather.com

Heat Safety & Prep

Here's When The First 90s Of The Year Usually Happen


At a Glance

  • Many cities have not reached 90 degrees yet this year.
  • The first 90s of the year often occur in May or June for much of the Lower 48.
  • A few locations in the southern tier have recorded 90s in the winter.

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T​emperatures hitting 90 degrees are fairly common in many parts of the United States during summer, but the average date that benchmark is first hit each year usually occurs in spring for many large cities

B​elow, we take a look at when each region usually experiences its first 90-degree heat and the earliest on record it has arrived.


T​he larger cities in the Northeast, from Boston to Philadelphia, typically experience highs of at least 90 degrees beginning in late May or early June.

H​owever, the first 90-degree day can occur much earlier. Washington, D.C., experienced its earliest 90-degree temperature on March 22, 1907.

N​ot all areas reach 90 every year. This includes Buffalo, New York, which did not observe a high of at least 90 as recently as 2014.


E​arly to mid-June is when areas from Chicago to Indianapolis and Detroit often experience their first 90-degree temperature. However, areas farther west, such as St. Louis and Minneapolis, typically first observe a high in the 90s in May.

T​he earliest 90-degree temperature on record for many cities in the Midwest is in April, although temperatures have climbed to 90 as early as March 21, 1907, in St. Louis and Kansas City.


The first 90 of the year has occurred as late as September, like it did in Chicago in 1915. T​here have also been some years where a few locations have not seen a high in the 90s, including Indianapolis in 2004.


T​emperatures soar into the 90s earlier in the year across the southern tier – even as early as January. The earliest 90-degree high in Dallas was recorded on Jan. 31, 1911.

T​he average date when temperatures top 90 varies from early April in Miami to early June in Atlanta.

T​here have been years when the first high in the 90s wasn't observed until late June or July, including New Orleans in 1983, when the first 90-degree temperature was recorded on June 30.


T​he first 90-degree temperature typically occurs from late March into mid-April in areas of the Southwest and Southern California, where temperatures in the 90s have been recorded as early as January and February. L​ocations farther north, as well as in the higher elevations, wait much longer for temperatures to rise into the 90s. This includes Denver and Salt Lake City, which usually don't experience highs in the 90s until early June.

M​id- to late April is when the earliest highs in the 90s for the year have been recorded in Denver and Reno, Nevada. May is when the earliest first 90s of the year happened in Seattle; Cheyenne, Wyoming; and Albuquerque, New Mexico.

T​emperatures do not reach 90 every year in some cities in the West. San Francisco is one example, where the highest temperature only reached 83 in 2018.

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