Here's Proof That Hot Pavement Can Really Hurt Your Dog (Graphic Image) | The Weather Channel

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Here's Proof That Hot Pavement Can Really Hurt Your Dog (Graphic Image)

A sunny day is a great time to take a dog for a walk – but be aware of how hot the pavement is.  (Getty/Elizabeth K. Kearley)
A walk in the park can take a turn for the worse if the pavement is too hot for your pup's paws. (Getty/Elizabeth K. Kearley)

Summer is a great time to get out and about with your dog, but outdoor excursions in the heat have quite a few risks for humans and pets alike. A viral photo posted this week is a stark reminder to take extra precautions when walking your dog on a hot, sunny day. 

The photo, posted by Hip Dog Canine Hydrotherapy & Fitness, shows a dog's paw that's been burned by the hot ground. We may have shoes to protect our feet when we're strolling along the sidewalk, but it's important to remember that dog's aren't so lucky – and a few moments on blazing hot asphalt can do lasting damage to even the hardiest of paws.

The graphic photo has been shared more than 10,000 times and sparked a helpful conversation for pet owners everywhere.

Some commenters shared their methods for helping their dogs get through the heat. Many recommended touching the ground with your hand for a full 5 seconds to determine if it's too hot before allowing your dog to walk on it. Others suggested using special booties to protect your pooch's paws. 

(MORE: Puppy Dies After Being Left on Patio in Extreme Heat)

Hip Dog Canine Hydrotherapy & Fitness also chimed in, recommending that people walk their dogs in the grass when possible, as even a mild sunny day can get the asphalt sizzling. One study showed that when it's 77 degrees outside, asphalt can be up to 125 degrees in direct sunlight! 


When it's really sweltering out, it's best to skip the jog and take it easy. The Humane Society warns against intense exercise on hot days for pets, limiting activity to mornings or evenings. This is especially important if your dog is hairless or has white-colored hair, as they are more susceptible to sunburn and skin cancer. 

(MORE: The American Red Cross's Pets and Disaster Safety Checklist)

Limping our trouble walking, licking or chewing affected paws, redness or even a darker pad color can all indicate that your recent walk has taken its toll on your dog's feet. And a splash in the pool or pond can make things worse, veterinary medicine expert Janet Tobiassen Crosby warns, as it softens the paws and makes them more susceptible to burning. 

If your dog's paws have been seared by the heat, Tobiassen Crosby says the best thing to do is to put cool water on their feet and carry them to a shady, grassy area, if possible. A trip to the vet is warranted to make sure the burns and blisters don't become infected. 

But all experts agree that the best thing is to prevent the burn from happening in the first place. Remember: If it's too hot for you, it's likely too hot for your pet. 

MORE ON WEATHER.COM: Dogs Probably Love Summertime Even More Than You Do

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