Extreme Heat: Impacts on Your Health | The Weather Channel

Heat Safety & Prep

Extreme Heat: Impacts on Your Health

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What are the health impacts of extreme heat?

Most heat-related illnesses occur when victims have been overexposed to heat or have over-exercised for their age and/or physical condition. When extreme heat is at its most deadly, it kills by forcing the human body beyond its capacity to cool itself down, slowing the processes by which normal body temperature is maintained.

Who's at risk?

Heat-related illnesses and deaths are preventable. When extreme heat occurs, it's important to be aware of those at greatest risk for experiencing its effects: the very young, the elderly, and people with chronic diseases and/or mental illness. Even young and healthy individuals, however, can succumb to heat if they take part in overly strenuous physical exercise outdoors during hot weather.

People living in urban areas are at high risk also, thanks to the poor air quality of many large cities and often-stagnant atmospheric conditions, which trap pollutants in the air. When people breathe in these pollutants, they can trigger a wide range of respiratory problems.

Asphalt and concrete also store heat longer and gradually release heat at night, leading to higher evening temperatures. Known as the urban "heat island" effect, this can prevent or reduce nighttime relief from extreme heat in a large city.

What are the effects?

In regions where low humidity is the norm, the body's most common response to extreme heat is dehydration. When exposed to direct sunlight and temperatures higher than 90 degrees Fahrenheit, the body can lose as much as half a gallon of water every 10 minutes. This dehydration also can interfere with the body's internal thermostat, leaving it vulnerable to heat-related illnesses such as severe sunburn, heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

In regions of high humidity like the southeastern U.S., excessive heat can make going outdoors nearly unbearable. High humidity also can interfere with the body's ability to sweat, which helps it cool down. When the heat outside exceeds the level the body can remove through sweating and evaporation, body temperatures rises and heat-related illness may develop.

Danger signs

No matter where you live, it is important to recognize the real dangers of extreme heat and take action to offset its impact at the earliest stages. The gradual nature of extreme heat's effects on the body makes it important to be aware of these heat-related illnesses:

Severe sunburn

Marked by skin redness and pain as well as swelling, blisters, fever and headaches. More than simply a dermatological issue, severe sunburn reduces the body's ability to release excess heat and can leave you vulnerable to other heat-related illness.


If you or someone else experiences severe sunburn, take a shower with soap to remove any oils that can block pores and prevent the body from cooling naturally. If blisters are present, apply dry, sterile dressings and get medical attention.

Heat cramps

Experienced as painful muscle spasms, usually in the leg and/or abdomen. They are caused by heavy exertion in the heat, which triggers heavy perspiration. Someone with heat cramps should go immediately to a cooler location and lightly stretch and massage the affected muscles to relieve the spasms.

Give sips of up to half a glass of cool water every 15 minutes, and avoid drinks with alcohol and caffeine. Discontinue liquids if the victim experiences nausea.

Heat exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is a mild form of shock, marked by heavy sweating; weakness; cold, clammy skin; a weak pulse; fainting, and vomiting. This usually occurs when people have been exercising heavily or working in a warm, humid place. Blood flow to the skin increases in an attempt to cool the body, causing blood flow to vital organs to decrease.

Victims should be moved to a cooler location, and their clothing should be loosened or removed if necessary. Apply cool, wet cloths and give sips of water if the victim is conscious, taking care to ensure the water is consumed slowly. Give half a glass of cool water every 15 minutes, and discontinue if the victim experiences nausea and seek medical attention immediately if vomiting occurs.

If left untreated, a victim's condition can worsen. The body temperature can keep rising, possibly leading to a heat stroke.

Heat stroke

Marked by a very high body temperature (105 degrees or above) as well as hot, red, dry skin; rapid, weak pulse; and rapid, shallow breathing. The victim will probably not be sweating unless the sweating is due to recent strenuous activity. The victim also may be unconscious.

Heat stroke is a life-threatening condition in which the body's internal thermostat has ceased to function. The ability to sweat often stops, and the body's temperature can rise high enough that brain damage and death may occur in 10 to 15 minutes unless medical help is immediate. Call 911 immediately or get the victim to a hospital as quickly as possible.

Until medical attention arrives, try cooling the victim down with a cool bath and cool, wet sponging, or a wet sheet to help lower body temperature. Watch for breathing problems and use fans and air conditioners as well.

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