Oklahoma Woman Suffers Third-Degree Burns From Spare Change Left in Hot Car | The Weather Channel

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Oklahoma Woman Suffers Third-Degree Burns From Spare Change Left in Hot Car

A woman in Moore, Oklahoma, is recovering after spare change left in her vehicle on a scorching summer day caused third-degree burns on her thigh.

Melissa Sechrist says a cup of spare change spilled onto her seat last week and the scalding-hot pennies touched her leg when she sat down. She tried icing the wound, but went to a hospital over the weekend after the pain didn't subside.

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Sechrist tells Oklahoma City television station KWTV that the coins caused third-degree burns on the back of her thigh. She says it's still painful to walk, sit or lie down because of the injury.

According to the National Weather Service, the heat index was 104 degrees on the day Sechrist suffered the burns.

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