Outdoor Safety 101: How to Protect Yourself While Hiking and Camping | The Weather Channel

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Outdoor Safety 101: How to Protect Yourself While Hiking and Camping

Jeff Alt backpacking.
(Jeff Alt)

Jeff Alt, hiking and camping expert and author, was on his second day of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail in North Georgia when he stopped for the night in a shelter. Like most trail shelters, this one didn’t have a door, but he didn’t think much of it at the time. He got in his sleeping bag, turned off his headlamp, and started to drift off to sleep.

“I’m warm and cozy, and heading off to dream land when I feel something stepping on me,” he remembers. “My heart is racing and I grab my flashlight and turn it on...and there is a skunk standing on my sleeping bag.”

Startled, Jeff kicked the skunk, which jumped down and lifted its tail in the air.

“I thought for sure it was going to spray me,” Jeff says. “But instead, it ran under the floorboards.”

He pulled a candle from his bag that he carries with him in case his flashlight batteries die, lit it and placed it nearby, hoping the flame might keep the skunk from returning.

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“Well… it did not,” Jess says with a laugh. “It came back up, jumped back up on my sleeping bag, kneaded it like a cat and then it literally bedded down and slept between my knees all night.”

“After a few minutes, I just had a calm sensation lying there. It’s like, it must live here and if I don’t do anything, it won’t do anything.”

When he woke up in the morning, the skunk was gone.

While running into a skunk — or any other wildlife — might be enough to make some people never consider the idea of camping in the woods again, Jeff loves it as much as ever.

An older couple day hiking along the Oregon coast.
Hikers in Oregon.
(Jordan Siemens/Getty Images)

“We live in such a world where we’re always connected to our phones, internet, texts, computers and schedules,” he explains. “To me, [hiking and camping] is a break from all of that. It’s a chance to clear your mind, to just kind of drift into your inner self, and physically, you’re also getting a good workout in, even if it’s just a leisurely stroll.”

“I always have this good feeling. I feel refreshed and like I solved problems I didn’t even know I solved by getting away.”

Research backs this up too: Being in nature can reduce feelings of anger, fear, and it can help reduce blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension and lower stress hormones.

So if you’re looking to get away from the house and feel a little better this summer, going camping or hiking is a good thing to do — even though we’re still in the middle of a pandemic. Rebecca Katz, director of the Center for Global Health Science and Security at Georgetown University Medical Center, recently told NPR that camping is the least risky summer activity from a virus perspective.

A light up tent under a full sky of stars.
(Jordan Siemens/Getty Images)

But if you’re going to go, you need to know how to be safe — so we asked Jeff for tips on what you should do to prepare:

1. If you’re a novice, do some research ahead of time

Lots of local outfitters offer classes, Jeff says, like an introduction to camping. “Joining one of these, like a hiking meeting club, means you’ll instantly be paired with seasoned folks, and you’ll get some information from the experts,” he says.

These classes can teach you how to use your gear, including how to use a compass, read a map or set up an emergency shelter.

2. Don’t be overly ambitious — at least, not until you know what you’re doing

Everyone has a different fitness level but in general, if you’re just starting out, it might not be worth planning a really advanced hike right away. “If you’ve never walked five miles, I wouldn’t plan a five mile hike, I’d maybe start with two,” Jeff says.

“I always under-plan as far as the distance and over-plan for the gear so I have every contingency covered.”

3. If you’re taking children, keep your goals small.

“If you’re with kids and you’re thinking you’re going to get in a workout and make it to the top of a summit — well, no, you’re not,” says Jeff.

Jeff and his wife hiking in Ireland with their 21-month-old.
(Jeff Alt)

When you bring kids hiking or camping, your total goal is different. It’s not about how far you go. “You want the child to have so much fun that they want to go again,” he continues. “Whatever they show interest in, stop and explore it. You may only get a quarter mile down the trail to the stream where you can skip rocks, but the kids feel free, they’re having fun and they’re going to think this is cool.”

Jeff says he has been camping with his kids in Shenandoah National Park since they were infants, but they took it slow and built up in difficulty. “We started out base camping and built them up to backpacking,” he says. “And now, the kids really love to go looking for a bear at dusk.”

Jeff and his family on their first overnight backpacking trip along the Appalachian trail in Shenandoah National Park.
(Jeff Alt)

It can also be fun to play games while hiking with kids, like “I Spy,” or help them apply what they’ve learned in school to what they’re seeing along the trail.

4. Get the right gear.

What you need varies a little depending on what you’re doing, but in general, these are some good things to have:


If you’re planning to go hiking with a heavy pack, you’ll want a steadier boot but if you’re going for a day hike, it’s okay to get a trail shoe. It just needs to be able to help you while walking on rocks. It’s also a good idea to get something waterproof and breathable.

A man hiking in Oregon on a Winter day.
A hiking boot.
(Jordan Siemens/Getty Images)

“Footwear is something you might want to splurge for,” Jeff says. “It’s probably the biggest thing so I’d maybe go to an outfitter to get properly fitted. They’re going to have you get on inclines and make sure your toe isn’t smacking the front of your boot or shoe when you’re going down hill.”

He also recommends bringing the kind of socks you’ll wear while hiking when you get fitted too so that everything fits comfortably.


“You’re going to want to wear non-cotton layers,” he says. “That way, as you’re heating up, you can remove a layer and as you’re getting cold, you can add a layer.”

You’ll also want to carry a waterproof, breathable parka. “Your parka can even become your rain fly if you get lost and need to build an emergency shelter,” he says.

A couple sitting on a ledge while backpacking in Yosemite Valley.
A couple backpacking.
(Jordan Siemens/Getty Images)

A Pack:

If you’re only doing day hikes, you can get a lighter, less expensive backpack, but if you’re backpacking overnight, Jeff recommends that you get one that is fitted to your back. Most outdoor retailers will be able to measure you to make sure your pack fits correctly.

If money is an issue, some universities have outdoor programs where they rent gear — like packs — out to the public.

Other essentials:

The Seattle mountaineers developed a list called “the 10 essentials,” which are the items you should always carry on you when heading out into nature to keep you safe.

These include:

  • a map
  • a compass
  • sunglasses and sunscreen
  • extra clothing
  • a headlamp or flashlight
  • first-aid supplies
  • firestarter
  • matches
  • a knife
  • extra food

Jeff says he also sometimes brings an extra heavy duty trash liner in his pack which could serve as an emergency rain fly shelter if he got lost. It’s also good to have a whistle with you.

A good tent:

What tent you pick depends a little on how big your group is and where you’re going. If you’re backpacking, though, you’ll generally care most about making sure the tent is light and easy to carry. You can also divide up the tent into multiple packs, if you're going as a group.

A campsite in the Yosemite Woods.
(Robert Holmes/Getty Images)

If you are car camping, the weight of the tent doesn’t matter as much.

You’ll also want to make sure your tent doesn’t leak — there is nothing worse than waking up soaking wet. Good waterproof tents tend to have a washtub bottom, they have a rain fly and their seams are well sealed.

A sleeping bag and mattress:

Jeff says he likes having a mattress of some kind because it gives you a layer off the ground. You can get a foam mattress pad or an air mattress, just make sure it rolls up easily. Mattress pads can make sleeping on the ground not only a little more comfortable, but also a little bit warmer.

He says he tends to skip carrying a pillow and instead, bundles up his clothes in his sleeping bag sack and uses that. It saves on valuable pack space.

Your cell phone:

There are some handy apps to help you while you’re camping, Jeff says, but you can’t rely on having cell service while you’re hiking or camping — particularly in the backcountry. Still, it’s probably good to have it on you.

5. Bring enough water — and filters

“Water - that’s definitely my biggest fear. You don’t want to run out of water,” Jeff says.

To avoid dehydration, you're going to want to stop and take a sip of water every 10-15 minutes.


“I typically carry 2 quarts when I’m going out but I don’t carry all my water. I research what water is available and then I filter water along the way.”

Local officials will have information on what water is available and what local conditions are like to help you plan accordingly (i.e. you will need more water if you’re hiking somewhere hot or if there is a drought).

A forest stream
(Martin Schneider/EyeEm/Getty Images)

Most important: don’t forget your water filters. Water flowing in streams and rivers might look clear, but it can be contaminated with bacteria, viruses, parasites and other contaminants that can make you very sick. Camping stores sell UV wands, disinfectant tablets, and pump filters to clean water. Just make sure to follow the CDC’s advice for treating your drinking water.

6. Know what to do if you get lost

“Getting lost can happen to anybody,” says Jeff. “It happened to my wife and I: We were in the high sierras, we’re in a cloud and we got off the trail and we were descending down a mountain for about a mile and a half before we realized.”

If you do get lost, don’t go off-trail: either backtrack the way you came or stay put. “If it’s a highly used trail, eventually someone is going to come along and find you,” he says.

If you’re really stuck — and your cell phone doesn’t work, as they often don’t in the backwoods — a whistle carries further than your voice. “The universal distress signal is three,” he says, “so do three whistle bursts.”

You can also find a clearing and put three items out in an open area, such as clothing or rocks, for a pilot to spot.

While you wait for someone to find you, be sure to stay dry and hydrated, and make yourself an emergency shelter with a parka or trash liner.

7. Leave your itinerary and contact information with someone you trust

This way someone can alert authorities and get a search and rescue going if you get injured or lost. Knowing where you were planning to go can also help people save time in finding you.

8. Be prepared to encounter wildlife

Before you go hiking or camping, it helps to do a little research into what kind of wildlife you might encounter. Wildlife behaves differently in different places. “For example, the bears in Shenandoah act differently than the bears in Yosemite,” Jeff says.

Whatever the wild animal is, keep your distance so as to not disturb them. Even smaller animals can bite if they feel threatened.

Also, never feed a wild animal. Wildlife fed by humans get accustomed to human food and can become aggressive.

Wild Black Bear in Ontario, Canada
A black bear.
(mlorenzphotography/Getty Images)


“You should be at least 200 feet away from a bear,” Jeff says. “If you’re closer than that, you’re too close.”

Don't encroach on a bear for a photo — use your zoom lens instead from a safe distance.

“Never turn away from a bear and never run from a bear. Both of those will invoke the chase/hunt mentality. Instead, you just want to back away slowly. Make yourself look bigger and talk so it knows you’re not a deer,” he continues. “Bears don’t see very well, so if it stands up on its hind legs, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re going to attack. They’re trying to sniff the air and see you better.”

If a bear approaches you and you have food on you, don’t throw it at the bear but put the food down, and put some distance between you and the food.

When you camp, make sure to tie your food 10 feet off the ground between two trees or put it in a bear canister downwind of your campsite.

“If the bear starts coming towards you, you can pick up a rock and throw it in its general direction as you back away,” he says. You can also clang metal objects together to make noise.

“If a black bear does come to attack you, though, fight back. Like take your pack and start hitting your bear.”

A large sow brown bear (Ursus arctos) walks across the delta at the mouth of the Sargent River in Lake Clark National Park. She has one paw held up and curled as she is midstep and mountains can be seen in the background. (A large sow brown bear (Ursu
A large brown bear.
(jared lloyd/Getty Images)

But with more aggressive bears, like Grizzlies, he says, don't fight back because you'll lose. Instead, drop to the ground and play dead.

If you have a child with you, drop to the ground with your child underneath you. "The bear will actually think you are dead, even if you were just standing moments ago."

Keep your pack on, cover your neck with your hands and do not make a sound, even if the bear nudges you around. It will most likely leave after it has checked you out.

Stay in that "playing dead" position until you're sure the bear has left the area.

If you have bear spray on you, you can also spray a Grizzly to get away.


“I ate lunch right next to a rattlesnake once and didn’t even know it,” Jeff says. “Snakes are more afraid of you than you are of them, so they generally only bite you if they’re caught off guard or they’re threatened.”

Stay on the trail and avoid tall grass.

“They typically avoid trails but I have run across pretty much every venomous snake you can think of at some point,” he continues, “so I just back away slowly.”

Try not to sit on logs because you don’t know if there’s a snake under it. If you pick up a rock for any reason, tilt it away from you so that if anything is under it, it has a way out away from you.

Other critters:

Large herbivores, including bison and moose, are known to charge people so you should stay at least a hundred yards away from them. In fact, in Alaska, more people are injured by moose than bears each year.

A moose in Maine
(Jose Azel/Getty Images)

“Give a moose a wide berth,” says Dave Battle, wildlife biologist with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. “If a moose charges, you can just turn around and run, and try to put something between you and the moose.”

It’s okay to run from a moose — but not a bear — because if a moose charges, it is only doing so as a defensive gesture. It either feels threatened by you or it is protecting a calf.

In southern states, you might also encounter water creatures, such as the American alligator. In these regions, never swim near them or splash at the water’s edge.

Mountain Lion
A mountain lion in Montana
(Kathleen Reeder Wildlife Photography/Getty Images)

Mountain lions are another animal you could encounter in western states. Never let your children roam free in mountain lion country and always hike in groups. Encounters with these big cats are rare, but if you see one, it's safe to assume that it is stalking you. Pick up your children, talk loudly, look big, wave your arms and throw rocks and sticks at the lion — but like with a bear, never turn your back or run from them.

If it does attack, fight back.


If there’s one guarantee, it’s that you’ll probably encounter some kind of bug in the outdoors. Often it will be mosquitoes or ticks, but the good news is, if you put on bug spray that contains either Picardin or DEET, you can save yourself from bites. These repellents are safe for children as young as two months.

You can also pretreat your clothing and gear with Permethrin, an insecticide approved by the EPA for use on clothing, packs, tents and shoes — just don’t use it directly on your skin.

It’s also a good idea to check everyone for ticks after a day outside and remove a tick immediately if you have one on you.

9. Don’t forget that we’re still in the middle of a pandemic

Because hiking and camping tend to be fairly solitary activities, they’re generally a much lower risk than a lot of other summer activities. But that doesn’t mean that there is no risk — after all, you’ll probably still run into or see other people.

You’re going to want to make sure you have your own toilet paper, hand sanitizer and travel wipes.

When you’re hiking, you can generally see someone else coming on the trail, so when you do, back off the trail and let them pass. Make sure to stay six feet apart.

“I’m not wearing a mask outdoors unless I’m in a congested area,” Jeff says. That means that in general, you won’t need one on a trail.

However, Jeff is quick to warn that in some parks, like the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, there are a lot of people still visiting, and some of them are avoiding the rules. So if you’re in a popular park, you’ll need to take some precautions.

“What I’m doing is choosing trails that are less popular,” Jeff says. “Or I’m going to go hiking while you’re still having breakfast in town so I’m well ahead of you on the trail.”

It’s probably best to also be extra cautious in campground or park restrooms. “If you have to go in one, go when no one else is in there. Use a travel wipe and wipe down everything before you touch it, including the sink. Use your hand sanitizer after you leave,” Jeff says. “I would also wear my mask in there.”

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