Aerial Photographer Prefers Airplanes Over Drones (PHOTOS) | The Weather Channel


Aerial Photographer Prefers Airplanes Over Drones (PHOTOS)

Photographer Filip Wolak flies on his own plane to capture stunning aerial shots of New Jersey and New York. (FIlip Wolak)
Photographer Filip Wolak flies on his own plane to capture stunning aerial shots of New Jersey and New York. (FIlip Wolak)

Drone photography has been on the rise in recent years, but some photographers prefer to shoot their aerial work in the air themselves.

Photographer Filip Wolak, 44, from New York City chooses to photograph while flying his own Cessna plane. “Flying is my passion and love, it’s actually the reason why I have started photographing more seriously,” Wolak told While he agrees that drones allow greater flexibility, he finds they restrict creativity. “Each shoot must be carefully planned beforehand and their limited reach and altitude,” he said.

Wolak describes aerial photography as “the poetry of flying.” Aerial photography allows the photographer to present the beauty of the world in a unique angle. “I like for my photography to surprise the viewer—even the traditional ones—and that ‘above it all’ position gives me that clear advantage,” he said. “I do not have to photograph a particularly interesting or famous landmark to get that killer shot, I actually prefer showing the everyday from different angles instead.”

Most of Wolak’s work covers areas in New Jersey and New York, with New York City being his favorite location to shoot. The beauty isn’t why Wolak is drawn to this city in particular, it’s because it’s the most challenging to capture. “The controlled area above the city limits the extension of freedom—I must be in contact with the approach control at all times and watch out for traffic due to the high congestion of helicopter traffic,” he said. “Then I must also take a safety pilot with me.” Though Wolak prefers flying and photographing alone, having an additional pilot makes the trips safer.

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“The immediate surrounding of New York City offers a lot of interesting terrain—ocean, flat land, large hills, many lakes and dense forests,” he said. What he captures, though, is “quite unpredictable.” There are times when he’ll be flying in the air for one hour without taking a single shot or when he’ll have plenty of frames after a 30 minutes of flying.

While flying, unless he wants to photograph a particular object, he’ll “simply cruise around looking for an interesting feature.” If anything, his decisions are made according to the weather, which he calls a “pilot’s best friend.”

“Aerial photographers must look for extraordinary weather conditions” he said. “It starts with extremely clear air—even slight pollution or haze will take away the details, especially in urban areas.” The aviation forecasts Wolak uses never mention specific visibility; visibility good for flying does not necessarily mean it would be good for photography. He’s taken up a study of the weather on his own terms, looking into prognostic charts: position of fronts, pressure patterns, temperature changes and moisture. “Studying weather was one of the more exciting aspects when learning to fly,” Wolak said.

“Sometimes I do like overcast days, because I do not have to worry about the shadows,” he said. “For sunny days, I usually prefer a thin layer of cirrus clouds, which will make my shadows less blue. But my most favorite condition is a frontal sunset of overcast sky above me and clear skies to the west.” This specific set of conditions heightens the sun’s glow in “that magic way” that casts—mostly—unpredictable but always beautiful shadows on the ground.

All of these weather conditions will only translate into a great photograph with a high resolution camera, ones that have the sharpest lenses and high shutter speeds. “Each technical mistake will stand out,” Wolak said.

In the future, Wolak hopes to photograph the landscapes of Alaska.

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