Cold and Flu Forecast for Alexandria, VA - The Weather Channel |

Extended 15 Day Flu Forecast

Flu risk prediction for your area.

Very Low

Very High


Monday, March 31

Flu Strain Information

Based on confirmed cases in Virginia.


Influenza Type A

Includes the two most common subtypes of flu, H1N1 (swine flu), and H3N2 and is more likely to cause widespread outbreaks.


Influenza Type B

Typically accounts for about 26% of seasonal flu illnesses and is similar in severity to Type A. Type B is very contagious, but only affects humans, not animals.

Sources: Infectious Diseases Society of America, CDC

Flu Prevention Tips

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Tip: Help control germs

Help control germs - Stop the spread of germs with regular handwashing. Hand sanitizer and wiping down surfaces with a germ-killing product can help. Shop germ-killing products

Tip: Healthy habits help support immunity

Healthy habits help support immunity - Immune health may be supported by eating vegetables and fruits every day, drinking plenty of water, exercising and getting enough sleep. Learn More

Tip: MinuteClinic® can help with a cold or the flu

MinuteClinic® can help with a cold or the flu – MinuteClinic providers are trained to discuss and assess your symptoms. Your provider can prepare a personalized treatment plan. Schedule an appointment now

Virginia CDC Flu Report

Historical flu cases reported by the CDC.

1/41/111/181/252/12/82/152/223/13/83/153/22Wk ofLowMedHigh
1/41/111/181/252/12/82/152/223/13/83/153/22Wk ofLowMedHigh

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